New Mexico

White Navajo Masculine Revival

In This Update

New Mexico White Navajo Masculine Revival

Native land unplugging loosh harvesting implants

Dark Masculine releasing hold over important timeline

Tonight I worked deeply in the field using my 10th chakra. The solar chakra allows incredible communication from the higher celestial realms. The fieldwork that came in was intense.

Aeleo’s back has been having issues and we’ve been going through multiple layers of energy in the field to map out his injury on a masculine collective scale. Sometimes we make little progress, other times there are big breakthroughs.

The breakthrough here was for everyone and it blew us away.

They began by downloading a grid map into my pineal that connected from Paris-Tahiti-Mediterranean Sea- New Mexico.

I was shown land that was holding tons of oppression/ enslavement and being harvested from a massive battery pack-like implant lodged into the earth. The timeline it was feeding off of was Indigenous/ Native War and Sacred Land.

I saw a vision of a native man with his hands tied behind his back as the foot of another man was holding him down on his stomach. I saw the difference in the masculine. One was innocent and peaceful the other was brutal and violent.

More images of war, violence, and oppression swirled around me as I could feel this timeline being played over and over again as it was being used to re-traumatize anyone connected to it through Akasha, bloodline or ancestral. It was a timeline that felt oppressive to the rising benevolent masculine on this earth who are doing their work. It feels heavy on their backs still. It felt like a heavy layer that was hard to heal from because it was so lost in the midst of everything else they’ve been going through here.

Men who are awakening can feel the story and the pain of this timeline on their backs.

I began to clear the thick dense energy around the massive crucifixion implant connected to the timeline of war. As I began to clear it, it transformed into a golden mandala, I sensed another trap which was a sort of new-age frequency.

Many of these men are being targeted with a false sense of power overcompensating for this wound.

I cleared that and started to feel the implant short circuit and let the timeline crumble and release the stored pain.

This will result in a lot of purging in the men starting now over the next 11 days.

They moved me over to Tahiti island where I saw an incredible amount of gold and treasure buried. I saw Annunaki influence and a Masculine who had the map to this treasure, there were pirates and an energy around the man as if he had been betrayed.

I remembered a movie from my childhood called, “The Count of Monte Cristo” In this movie the man is deeply betrayed by another man but ends up getting a map to treasure and becoming an incredibly rich count. I sensed I was to release the betrayal wound held within this that the Annunaki were using against the masculine as well.

As I cleared this for quite a while, the energy transformed and purified and I was taken to the Mediterranean Sea where I saw a mass grave in the ocean, bones and skeletons. Lots of death energy here. This mass grave through some kind of war connected to the Greek islands was holding captive Christ Sophia templates and unions. I saw them being held back in black magic.

As I released this phantom field pocket, we began to cough and clear so much debris out of the ocean and our cells.

This was a clean-up that was essential for the masculine and feminine.

I saw a Sophia being with rainbow wings (isis) and then I saw a Native Grail King (white Navajo) rise up and leave that area of the ocean. I sensed that parts of their soul body were trapped here.

It was an incredible release and I felt the upgrade right in my cells.

At this point, Aeleo and I were on fire with energy.

It was pulsating and heating up.

After this, we were taken to the New Mexico desert where I saw White Navajo and a group of his men riding horses.

They stopped at a chief elder sitting in the desert, I saw each man, shamans, indigenous men all who looked battered, broken. I saw them wandering in the desert for a long time, lost, broken.

As they found the chief elder, he spoke a prophetic word and they all began to transform and heal. I saw rainbow energy move through the New Mexico desert and then out over the earth.

It was breathtaking.

I knew in that moment that more of the righteous men who had been hunted for eons were healing, this timeline had been being used in a terrible manner for so long. It was connected to multiple traumatic timeline trigger events and experiences directly targeting the masculine who had been for their true spiritual power and were a massive threat to the dark forces.

This healing was incredible to witness and the joy and celebration of our ancestors was off the charts.

I feel the men in our lives will be greatly affected by this, lots of purging and upgrading for them this week!

For the feminine, lots of rainbow tones and wing upgrades/ union template upgrades.

I feel this is going to take the pressure, pain and layer of extreme oppression off our men.

They will have to process it a bit but I know this work had been a long time coming and so much had to be done before I could fully dive in and have what it takes to get it done.

The men also had to consent and be ready to receive so it was a massive group effort.

PS: If this post resonated with you I invite you to join the conversation and leave us a comment sharing what you’re feeling below.

Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.



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