Isis Rainbow Wing Template Returns
In This Update
Isis Rainbow Wing Template Returns
Diamond Heart Sophia Networks Overriding Lilith
Overcompensation Clearing

We’re so close to the Solstice and I’ve never seen New Earth energy pouring in like this.
We truly are living in a higher dimension at this point, we have allocated so much of our essence over to the Organic Timeline and I can see it so clearly, it brings me a feeling of awe seeing the colors, the effervescent pastel New Earth Temples and Grids.
We are more locked into 5D than ever right now and extracting the last aspects of our energy from the matrix.
You will start to see the matrix for what it is, more than ever before.
The utter illusion and disillusionment of the soulless beings that run it. It is built on total deception. Spiritual deception that is similar to a hologram, this hologram is powered up by alien machinery that is lodged into the false timelines manifested through manufactured consent from mainstream media and the harvesting of soul energy.
As we weave through dimensions, we support souls to return to God/ Truth/ Love.
Our presence in the matrix is based on where the divine needs us to support. It’s not about living outside of it, more navigating it without letting it pull us into its mind games.
This solstice portal will be a total reset.
This reset will truly break down the rest of the old, outdated programs in our light body to instead hold the living truth as manifested Akashic Earth Keys. This in itself is such a process but we are meant to function as a living library. We are holding the true ascension information and founder records of the ones who came before us and seeded the info into the earth to be restored now.
Truth is permeating the fields, the awakening is bigger than we ever imagined and more souls are feeling this than the fallen ones ever thought possible. This is why they will do all the theatrics possible to convince people to stay plugged into the hive mind and to take the solution to their manufactured problem. I don’t think they will get the obedience they’re looking for just like they didn’t get the amount of believers from their prior psyop as they had hoped.
We are being massively protected and deeply informed within our soul tribes.
The information is being communicated on a soul level and telepathically from the Blue Ray Elohim Angelics as well as the Guardians to keep up alert, even if we aren’t hearing them directly yet, their way of communicating comes in with a knowing, a knowing that God is the only one who has any true authority here.
As we step into the next phase of operation warp speed, we need to understand that the split and separation of the wheat from the chaff is imminent and will be seen more clearly than ever. You will know who your true allies are and who seeks to keep the phantom matrix alive. Things are getting more real than ever and yet they’re also getting more incredible, exciting and miraculous as well.
It’s not a time to fear, it’s actually a time to embody your mission and rebuild your light body/ 12 strand DNA. It’s a time to train for your spiritual mission and prep for union and God’s Kingdom is being built.
As Christ says “fear nothing”.
He says this because he knows you have eternal life and glory in God’s victory.
The victory will come but still, we should do the work we are here to do. There’s still much to be done.
As I’ve been working in the field lately, I’ve had so much contact from the Grail Queens.
Isis has shown me profound healing through the Egyptian Timelines that is deeply activating the Isis Rainbow Sophia Grail Queen Lineages and those who hold her template/ teachings in their DNA.
This restoration is incredible, palpable and potent in the realm of alchemy and magic. Especially the creation process of manifesting within Divine Union.
ISIS has massive rainbow wings that dispensate Shamanic Imprints and Blueprints through the Sophia Lines.
As the Oracles awaken and find this connection, they will see the rainbow wings start to rebuild and all levels of Lilith/ Lunar Feminine distortion clearing out of their wings and angelic embodiment.
There are the Alchemy Priestess Templates that Isis also governs that can burn trauma directly out of the cells and clear the density of black magic and inorganic timelines like no other. If you feel activated by this, you may have these abilities and this Isis connection.
Isis influence is returning through 3 Sophia Grail Lines as of right now, White Buffalo/ Magdalene/ Isis Sophia.
It is the Alchemy that manifested itself through shamanic elementals and animal totems that are so present in White Buffalo and Magdalene’s work. It’s showing a deep cleansing and purification that breaks down the feeding frenzy of the Dark Mother and the persecution that many of the true Oracles on these lines have been experiencing. It’s overriding Lilith to a point where Sophia is no longer playing the game and feeding her through her wounds, but seeing that she isn’t worth her energy at all.
In other words, we’re being shown not to feed/ react or respond to Lilith/ Black Madonna/ Lunar/ Fallen Goddess/ Jezebel entities playing out in others but actually, to know that their war is with God, we represent God which enrages them.
This is not for us to prove anything or defend/ attack others back, but to trust God fully to take care of it, learn to remove curses/ implants/ entities and heal leaks/ tears and wounds in our light body to rise above her.
If she can get us to react we empower her more. We should only respond if absolutely necessary. We will know the difference between feeding them and essential standing up for truth to bring clarity.
I’m seeing all ways of trying to prove/ defend/ push/ pull/ or force anything wanting to clear and a huge layer of pain being purged from the cells around this.
Our power is so beyond having to do this.
God wants us to stand for what we stand for and not outsource and overcompensate trying to defend or prove anything about it.
The true 144k will resonate with each other and see each other, they won’t need you to do any of that to know and resonate with the pure source light in you. Beings that want to discredit you will need you to time and time again explain or prove yourself. Not your job or what you’re being asked to do, we are not in this work for ourselves or to be loved/ accepted by everyone. We are in this to serve God’s Kingdom and have been given the knowledge that persecution will be a norm for those who are truly in Christ.
The Diamond Light Sophia Heart Networks are powering up all over the earth and are overriding the Black Anubis Heart Networks that have been trying to shut down the empathic heart of the masculine.
The shut down of the masculine heart with a service-to-self, inverted shadow heart in its place has been terrorizing for the feminine and in turn has caused a lot of them to get locked into dynamics with the fallen masculine whose hearts are not online, getting their Sophia Essence siphoned.
Sophia heart tones are healing the masculine now, especially the ones who want to serve the Holy Spirit and walk in Christ.
Sophia Diamond Light and the Lyrah Matriarchs (feline mother groups) Have been seeking out the masculine on earth to help him reach his empathy and the power of his heart, re-surging the Divine Will to move through him to build his inner union and inner light body to protect/ defend and serve Sophia against the luciferian/ Azazael narcissistic men that have co-opted the twin flame union template and used it to enslave her once again to his base desires.
We are breaking this devotion to the false masculine and the diamond Sophia heart is being placed back into our higher heart and linking up with our emotional body and mind complex.
Men and women may notice new shimmering diamond heart codes downloading into them and merging more of the organic Christ Sophia union frequencies into their heart/ brain complex, causing a longing for spiritual connection/ deep love and ditching out on the emotionally unavailable/ promiscuous/ fear-based mind control programs to keep us out of union and non-threatening.
Unions are a threat to dark beings because they bring back love and healing and huge missions to the planet, therefore everything has been done to stop them.
The Diamond Sophia Heart Networks are overriding the last separation between our heart/ soul/ union and empathic devotion to each other and bringing our inner Sophia back online as well as the earth grids around us.
You may feel tall white motherly felines around you during these full planetary upgrades.
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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