Body Template Upgrades

In This Update:

Body Template Upgrades

False Masculine Cellular Density Collapse

Intense Triggers

(This is going to be a very personal field update, but it will also be very based on the collective energies for everyone)

This last week my lungs became very inflamed. I kept having dreams of needing heart/ lung healing and holistic medicine.

I knew that the body was being hit so hard in October due to the insane amounts of attacks and black magic trying to keep us in a cycle of fear/ doubt/ and negative thoughts. It’s like the body wanted to feel the collective/ personal grief of being targeted and be held in the process of feeling how “unfair” how much harder some of our lives have been and currently are is.

It was hard to get into full faith mode though I did feel some very high moments during this time where faith/ excitement of what was to come would kick in.

The body template is shifting in a big way right now.

The lungs/ liver/ heart/ stomach and nervous system are clearing some nasty ancient miasma and some ancestral grief that is rather daunting.

As our 12 strand DNA (our organic, angelic human template) restores and rebuilds we have to be with the very real unprocessed pain that we have either inherited or even the more fresh wounds of this life culminating together with the ancestral.

As high Angelics, we don’t have karma, we simply have a complex job and a mission that requires the body to hold enough plasma to clear the earth grids (whether we are doing some of the hardest work to free trapped souls in the Catacombs of the Vatican or laying down diamond aurora lattice structures, to diamond light grids) we know our body needs to be able to be freed up enough to channel the living light necessary to withstand these galactic/ gridwork missions that we are all on right now.

These missions are no joke and the body being in a state to manage it is so key.

So the Divine are supporting a very accelerated body template purge and upgrade that is taking our DNA to an entire new strand right now.

This means a full grief/ rage purge.

After my lungs were inflamed for weeks, I finally wept on a level I have not let myself in years in Aeleo’s arms last night (until 5am). I cried out the injustices on this planet, the result of the soul fracturing from beings that have no reverence for God or life and the suffering of the beautiful innocence in me that was destroyed by being targeted by the reptilian interface for 5 years.

The depth of grief I was embarrassed and ashamed to feel that was so pent up because I was trying to seem (strong) or okay when I wasn’t, so I just let myself feel it. I woke up with my lungs feeling amazing! I almost feel like I have new lungs.

The body is asking us to feel what we are afraid to feel right now so that we can open up our light body architecture for the heart of the cosmic Christ Sophia to work through us.

The only way is through right now.

If you’re feeling any symptoms in the body ask yourself what the organ correlates to emotionally and start processing this, as there will be incredible blasts of light coming into that area once cleared for power resurrection we haven’t seen yet.

I see so much power and change in the fields right now, regardless of the black magicians and astral entities policing the matrix and 3rd/4th/5th dimensions right now trying to pull us into extreme trigger/ attack/ betrayal scenarios for loosh harvesting.

Your sacred pain when owned and felt cannot be fed on or siphoned. Feeling deeply cannot be harvested as loosh if it’s done with a willingness to feel the truth and see what needs to be seen.

Our true organic power is coming online, hence all the drama and desperation of fallen energies. They know this awakening is unstoppable, they’re only trying to make it as hard as possible in the meantime until we level up.

Another big thing I’m seeing is the false masculine fighting for power right now. Fighting to stay alive.

The wounded masculine is an inverted father/ lover/ sexual deviant archetype. His whole existence is based on harvesting Sophianic essence without devotion or honoring the source.

He will do any emotional / mind games to keep his enslaved feminine loyal to him and allowing him to have full advantage over her. 

However, the false masculine in many of us is having a death experience right now.

Some of us are still hooked in with Luciferian, imposter masculine forces. Whether those corrupt codes have been in us from reptilian genetic attacks, or in the physical around us.

He is not doing well energetically.

The high energies coming in are showing the true face of these imposters and many of the feminine are clearing their own inner masculine back to pure devotion with Christ and their true genetic equal.

False twin flames/ false unions and inner masculine trauma are at the forefront, we are all warring with these programs to overcome our addictions or a false sense of safety with these imposter energies.

I’m feeling very strong vulnerability in the true masculine collectives who are doing their work right now.

There may be a feeling of sorrow as we let go of some of the final programs in us from this world around the masculine. Realizing that we may have been holding the false masculine in us for a long time and empowering the wounds that keep him in power over us.

As I said, this can be a very energetic thing in our inner masculine. It may have nothing to do with anyone in your life, although usually, our loyalty to the false masculine inside of us translates into the ones around us who are feeding on us in different ways (even subtle ways).

This death process is going to intensify as we merge with the true genetic equals and twins energetically, we will have lots of ego death.

The true masculine holds the law of the father – this is something my beloved, Aeleo, taught me about the false masculine imposter in every woman that wars with a true Christed male when they are deeply wounded.

This false energy is going to fight to keep us where it wants us by having the triggers of our true masculine be profound.

What Christ is asking us to give up to receive him is very triggering to the ego, but extremely necessary at this time. We have to let this False Protector go.

It is time for us to find our true beloveds and stop the addiction to the false that keep us in our pain body and our lower base shadow selves that don’t want to heal. We need to take the initiative to begin this process of reintroducing the True Holy Masculine Essence that is here to devote/ commit/ serve and love us mind body soul.

Yes, we are worthy. Yes, this is God’s Divine Plan.

The last thing I wanted to say was that I’ve felt lots of fall out around me as well. I heard (get ready to lose people) this morning, meaning followers/friends/clients.

People who cannot withstand these shifts in us will find reasons to invalidate us. They will want us to mess up so that they can feel better about seeing us in such a negative light or just simply invalidating our power as leaders and way-showers at this time, whether it was who we voted for, or something we said that they took out of context.

Our true people will not question and demean us subconsciously, they will just see us and know the content of our character. 

We’re not here to prove anything to anyone.

We’re here to help people find god, all glory to God always!

The beautiful thing I’m noting is these angelic blasts of faith/miracles and messages of hope that are birthing through this collective right now.

We are in a very strong place right now regardless of the fact that there is a huge fall out taking place before the timeline acceleration of the true 144k and new earth.

We should prepare for the intensity of all of this now as well as the knowing that all that falls out makes room for what is truly meant for us.

Love You All!

PS: If this post resonated with you I invite you to join the conversation and leave a comment below.

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.



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