Christ Lion
Solar Plexus Template Coming Online
In This Update:
4:4 Portal
The Angelic Human Resurrection
Christ Lion Solar Plexus Template Coming Online
Organic Creation Codes Abound in the New Earth

The number one key to the Organic Ascension process is the revelation of Christ in all ways.
As you know, Today is about the most incredible being I’ve ever known. The Christ who lives within our hearts and is our primary key to ascension.
Over the last week, this has been made very clear to Aeleo who has passed this sacred knowing onto me.
The number one key to the Organic Ascension process is the revelation of Christ in all ways.
A massive pastel pink portal opened about a month ago, this portal was around healing our wings. This initiation took place to heat up around the week of Easter and complete, it is literally stepping into the divine angelic human which is a process that completely wakes you up to your Godly power.
Although we are not “God” in the way the new age might say, we are created in the image of the Elohim – a 12/24/48 DNA strand being who is made out of Cosmic Christ Sophia energy.
A High Angelic is a being who has a soul stream of pure love and truth.
This means the vessel in which our soul resides is made up of the closest energy to God’s likeness.
God designed it that way so that our relatability and empathy for God’s Living Soul Energy inside of us would override our lower consciousness programming.
When we enter into this earth as a High Angelic, we take on infection within our light body, black magic, family curses, abuse patterning, mind control, sexual misery, negative ego patterning, soul fragmentation etc.
So although we are at the highest levels pure, holy, Christed, in this dimension we tend to be given a “plight” to overcome in order to purify the bloodlines in which we connect to for the ultimate goal which is the complete restoration of bloodlines back to God’s Divine Will and outside of the will of the enemy.
In the last month, dark forces have been heating up their plans of soul enslavement on a massive scale. They have been doing this because God set Divine Intervention in motion last year very strongly.
This divine intervention was to awaken the hearts of as many of possible during this time (Easter) to turn back to truth and out of deception and in turn start pulling their energy back to God and out of the hands of the deceiver.
There is Angelic Technology and Architecture that when activated and online, gives miraculous and Godly power to the being who is being activated.
This is what God has set into motion.
God knows the New Earth Kingdom must be built but he knows that the Angelic Technology within must override the tools of the enemy, so God decided to activate it and get us to quickly see our deepest core wound that is keeping our Solar Gates shut down – the Solar Gate is a term used in the field for the solar plexus chakra – which holds the pain body and shadow body, which must be completely cleared in order to align to the Angelic Software fully and in a way that God can trust will be used for Divine Will.
Since God has activated that in a very accelerated way at this time, this week was the shedding of some of the most ravenous parts of that false empowerment that was relying on others or this “world” to feel powerful and okay. God has given us power beyond our current comprehension and a way to access it, a way to do it that no dark force can do anything to you with a “vacksene” or whatever inorganic godless inverted tool they may try to use.
God wants us to see that evil prospers to the extent that we allow it to. It does not have to be this way. It can change, it will change.
God’s Kingdom will be built when the High Angelics accept this initiation and let this flourish inside of themselves.
This does not mean you will be perfect, above your humanity or feel no negative emotions.
It simply means that God will trust you to have access to energy that is designed to bring this planet and as many souls and possible through the ascension process and out of the technological false light kingdom that will be built in the 3D which won’t prosper forever but will be a reality in our lifetime.
In order to avoid being subject to be a part of this, the High Angelics need to start realizing that they do need to begin stepping into that role that does make them more than human, and it does make them unbelievably powerful spiritually and able to overcome and eradicate any darkness within themselves and others as Jesus did.
The more we go through this process the more Christ-like we will become, but remember, Christ was not an arrogant holier than thou religious person, he was a very authentic being who embraced his humanity as God and came to get us out of an incredible dark cycle that we were so lost in.
Don’t use spiritual information or power as a way to feel above others or holier than others or God will take it from you.
Do not abuse sacred spiritual information or for your own benefit. Those that steal sacred teachings and other’s codes in order to gain power, clout or build a spiritual business off of, there will be a reckoning for that behavior. It has happened on this planet for a long time and God has shown me that he will not allow that behavior to prosper for much longer.
The gross misuse of spiritual information is a main tool of the enemy, find who you are and the gifts that God gave you, let the Holy Spirit inspire you naturally and authentically, and in that your true abundance and mission will begin.
We can only expand so much on spiritual violation and there is a time limit for that kind of behavior. God wants to show us in our own heart what our true path is in order to gain certain codes many people have had to suffer immensely and die to God to receive that wisdom. You have no right to it if you are not willing to go through the same process to find your soul’s truth.
True initiation happens within and cannot be faked.
The Christ Lion Template within the Solar Plexus is in full swing right now as our Solar Gate is shifted out of false power into organic power.
True power cannot be bought, it cannot be given by any other force than the Living God.
God will give you power if God feels you have earned it and can be trusted with it.
The forces of this world can give so-called power to individuals that are not built on a foundation of Christ/ Truth and Integrity that will fall and collapse as if built on sand.
God is the only one who gives true power, God is the only one who can give grace.
The Lion is how the Christ is returning; from the Lamb to the Lion.
Last night, I fully activated this template within Aeleo. This template of the Lion is not the martyr, it is the one who pulls the sword from the stone, it is the reckoning. If you feel the Christ Lion energy in you, it’s because Christ also wants us to shift out of our own self-sacrifice and martyrdom. He wants us to become more like Lions in the truth and protection of the sacred.
The Easter Portal is a hot/ pastel pink with ruby and gold. It is for reclaiming the Divine Angelic Authority as prophets of the New Earth and receiving the full healing of our wings so that we may represent God’s Love and Power on this earth in a way that does not make us hypocrites.
Our willingness to be real, down to earth and fully authentic allows others to be inspired back to God instead of fearfully pushed into it.
If we represent Christ here, God wants us to do it in a way that excites and magnetizes people rather than condemns them.
The sword of truth is always important regardless and not everyone will be drawn back to God when they realize what they have to give up.
We are ready for the Resurrection of the High Angelic Power this week. We are facing all core wounds blocking this part of the ascension and as we clear them and let the energy move this week we are inviting the Creation Codes of the New Earth to anchor and show us new processes and templates for teaching and embodying.
People forget the level of new teachings and spiritual information waiting for them in the New Earth Grids.
Once we are trustworthy with our power, we will be able to directly pick them out and download them into our DNA.
The benefits of choosing God right now are beyond any material or earthly power you could get chasing the world to feel better about yourself. Reliance on the world in that way will never, ever fill the void inside of you.
This week, you will see in any way that you’ve relied on your job, your power, your money or popularity to define your value.
This program has to be fully cleared for us to receive this Angelic Upgrade. Our value must be felt as inherent because it comes from the creator, it cannot be bought or sold. Please keep this in mind when you compare yourself to others.
Spiritual power and earthly power are no match for one another.
I hope this helps.
My suggestion is to get close to Jesus, learn who he truly is, embody his teachings, build a relationship and the rest will flow.
Me and Aeleo will be teaching about all these technologies in The Church of Christ Sophia as well! If you’d like to know more, check out our free pre-class HERE.
Love You All!

PS: If this post resonated with you I invite you to join the conversation and leave a comment below.
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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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