False Light New Age Occultism Fully Explained

False light and false ascension models are based on a false version of God, universal laws and entities that have set up shop in a plane of the astral realm that we would call the false 5D.

This false 5D or lower 5D is made up of synthetic, sticky light that is sharp and harvests energy. It appears loving and Christ-like but as you get closer to it or align within its framework you start feeling unsettled. 

You will notice that you don’t feel like you’re truly safe or grounded. Over time, you will feel very drained, confused and even lost. You may keep trying to work with this “light” or those “light beings” hoping that you’re just resisting but the red flags will get more and more intense. You will try to align to the framework of so called “love” but within this so-called love you don’t feel loved at all. You actually feel fear. This false light represents itself in many forms. Ascended masters, Pleiadians, Archangel Micheal, Jesus, an Egyptian God etc – it will approach you in the way that feels the most enticing. 

You may go head first into the new age looking for all the solutions to your problems only to find yourself on a kind of new-age hamster wheel. You keep running on the hamster wheel but nothing ever truly changes and you don’t get the solutions you’re longing for, you may even notice you’re spending tons of money in the new age sect of the spiritual community jumping from teacher to teacher and course to course trying to feel better and safe. There will be all of these requirements around becoming pure or ascended and rejecting your human nature. There will be all these steps you must take to climb the ladder, you will be enticed by the idea of manifesting your dream life, making money, finding your twin flame and so on and so forth. This is all especially true if you carry a God wound or a religious wound. 

If you come from a religious background your initiation through false light will be even more intense because you know that religion didn’t help much and you think you found what does work. We all have a God wound to certain degrees, but the deeper the wound the more you can find yourself stuck in a new web that’s more complex than you could ever comprehend in its malevolence and illusions. Getting stuck in this web does not mean that God doesn’t love you or that you’re going to be punished with eternal hell like many who are representing the Annunaki god Yahweh in the Bible may constantly project onto new agers. It’s crazy because there’s actually a lot of beautiful truth in the new age and in the Bible, it’s just not as simple or straight forward as one may hope and anyone condemning another outside of their belief system is not helping bring people closer to God even if they think that they are through fear mongering and ‘holier than thou’ rhetoric. 

The truth is somewhere in the middle

Something I’ve witnessed is people that live in the extremes are the most untrustworthy and have the most to hide. Puritans and easily triggered volatile new agers are filled with spirits and are often very unpleasant when it comes to personal relationship. These people are not representative of God’s love or the truth of Christ Sophia – we can see them as lost. The more unhinged the attack from a new ager or a Christian/religious person that happens usually the more inaccurate they are in their clear shame projections. When people are ashamed and rigid they’re revealing what they feel deep down. Shame can be very hard to process so it can feel relieving for them to throw it on another they see as beyond God’s love and redemption if they don’t live in those confines and dogmatic rules themselves. A good example of new age occult or Luciferian belief would be one that states that good and evil are two sides of the same coin and it’s all God playing itself out. This belief is unbelievably harmful. This allows that person to see everything as good and not differentiate between moral and immoral, Christ and anti-Christ.

They think that God created good and evil and life is like a game. They will see the spirit of anti-Christ working and think it is necessary karma or what another person deserves. They will say that bad things happen to people because it’s something they did in a past life. Now there can be certain levels or layers of truth to this idea, but nowhere in the realm of the astral bliss light and love agenda of “all is god”

All is God needs major context. God is love. God is truth. God is all things good. God has created a free-will universe so we understand that contrast and polarity are a part of necessary growth. Evil and the level of imbalance we see on this planet are far from normal. Evil is essentially living outside of God’s loving will and agenda for all mankind. The evil here has gone to an extreme unnatural level because of the invasion of so many sects of fallen consciousness promoting lower frequencies constantly. It’s going into direct opposition or indifference to God’s preferences which are finding love, forgiveness, hope etc. Fallen beings that chose to fall away from God’s Will was always a potential but free will means choosing a relationship with God authentically, which also means holding the spirits and houses of Christ in our lightbody. This means growing and loving through adversity. This does not mean becoming cold-hearted to God’s Will and creating harm for others to serve your own base desires. God did not create hell realms and hellish astral realms, beings that reject God need a place to land since they don’t want to be with God which means rejecting all that is good. 

There are realms that are hospitable to this kind of behavior. Realms where you can choose to go because you reject God’s Living Law of love and truth. So we can see the difference between contrast, negativity, challenge, and soul growth in overcoming painful scenarios and then we can see pure evil, anti-christ behaviors that are all about worshipping materialism and satanism. It’s telling God you have no interest in heart/Christ-based living and that you’d rather live for the rejection of God’s Will and do what you please entirely. God loves us so much that we can choose to reject him/her. God allows us to have a place without God to live for as long as we need to until we seek source again and wish to rehabilitate. God has shown me that all beings go back to God eventually, but not in their original intended state (maybe just a morsel of light that was used to create them) this means annihilation in hell/ astral realms until they are disintegrated and only what’s left is picked up by God and recreated into a new being with a clean slate. Annihilation is the scariest concept to Satanists and anti-Christ beings because all they have is their identity and the power they feel it gives them. 

So they do everything they can to live forever or find ways to stay alive for as long as possible –  this involves trying to move from body to body once one dies and then continue to wreak havoc in this dimension. Eventually, there will be no gateway to reincarnate and they will go to the place they have longed to go, which does not emanate the spirit of Christ. These places are beyond imagination in their horror, everyone there just eats and hurts each other because they have nothing else to do. There is no sky or joy or butterflies. Remember this is a conscious choice. We choose to be with Source and live by the ideals of Source or we choose to reject Source. It’s a simple God-given privilege. It hurts God beyond comprehension when people choose this path. God is present with everything in every moment, feeling the experience – imagine feeling the abuse of a child or even worse, satanic ritual abuse. 

God weeps for every soul lost and God really does go to the ends of the Earth to offer redemption to every being. I’ve even been shown people can be taken out of hell realms if they sincerely call out to God. Now, I’m not God so I don’t know to what extent this is allowed, but I know it’s a representation of God’s incredible mercy and love. People ask me, “Why did God create a being if they will be condemned to hell?” and the answer is so simple. Life is a gift. Existing is an immeasurable gift. This gift is God’s gift to us so that we can be in eternal ecstasy within relationship to God and life and love in billions of different forms throughout creation. Abusing this gift and taking this gift for granted means suffering because it is the literal point of life. We are aspects of God in our own right, this does not mean that the individual has the power of God like the new age will state. The new age states that we are creating our life completely and God itself experiencing itself. This is true, but again, major context is needed. While we are aspects of Source that does not mean we are in control of every aspect of our life or creating everything that happens. We have creative control, we are manifestors, but we are also a part of God’s design and will so the Godhead is what emanates its ultimate vision and we can either align to that or reject that. We cannot take our egoic vision for our life and say, “I’m God, I’m creating this.” If it goes outside of what truly serves then trying to manifest that may be possible but we would have to seek other gods or false light in order to generate the energy and permission slip to manifest the ego trip into reality of which there will be natural negative consequences because we must learn what our soul truly desires. 

What our soul desires is what God desires

What our ego wants (and if we get it) we will not be happy with fully, and then we’ll try to get more and more realizing that we are now on a journey of filling our internal void and God wound vs co-creating in joy with God’s Intention. Misalignment to life and true light always equals an unsatisfying result. The quote about gaining the world and losing our soul comes to mind. What does it truly benefit someone to do that? Whenever we take what doesn’t truly belong to us and isn’t God-given we harm other people, period. If we move out of alignment we are like a light grid intricately affecting all others, we cause other lights to dim. 

It hurts my heart deeply to watch people spin out in the false light metatronic AI cube or Yahweh’s Saturnian black cube of religion. I’ve felt what those fields do and the heart can feel the suffering deep within, it’s just so awful for the person/people in those inverted dimensional bandwidths. My heart aches and deeply longs for people to come back to the one true living God / Cosmic Christ Sophia. The invitation of God is always there beckoning them back to true love, alignment and peace. It’s so important that we look at our own false light beliefs. Anywhere that we think God is there just allowing suffering, creating it or wanting to experience it is false. God wants us to experience contrast, but this level of evil is a natural result of rejection of God and ulterior agendas which is why starseeds and angels were sent here in the first place. We came here to rebalance the scales of justice and clear the black magic overlaying the grids. 

False light is clearing in mass right now. We’re having a collapse of one of the major strongholds of Thoth. Thoth is having a very hard time controlling his conduits. Egyptian higher heart astral timelines are being faced. We’re clearing these inorganic false light consciousness traps and seeking the real Christ. People are falling away from Thoth and the Old Testament Christian god in mass. They’re truly waking up. What’s on the other side of this is true love, forgiveness, alignment, divine unions, abundance, mission, New Earth alignments. The true Cosmic Christ Sophia Template built on the Tree of Life. 

We’re understanding the true New Earth Timeline. What it takes. What’s the truth in terms of God’s Law and Will and we’re aligning to it beautifully. Anyone who isn’t is in a deep state of suffering right now, no matter what it looks like on the outside or the image they present. People are getting off of the new age hamster wheel, false light grid and out of the control of false ascended maters that have been controlling their channels for so long to try and align people to the false ascension matrix. Any layers left are being processed and confronted now. It’s painful and intense but for our highest good because we’re being confronted with the true light of Christ which is an ego killer. The false light matrix is weaker than ever and those keeping it upheld are doing so to their own detriment. Those benefiting off of it are also doing it to their own detriment. The timelines are really shifting through this election. There’s so many agendas at play that are not of God’s frequency being seen and rejected. False light is false. It feels good but has a bad effect, it’s based on false beliefs of God’s nature and God’s Will. It’s an attempted hijack of the true awakening timeline and it’s being deeply felt and seen in mass. People are sussing out Yahweh and his religious control structure. The true spirit of truth and love is being chosen. This will all take time but come to pass. 

God is not a judgmental, condemning freak, nor a false light weirdo. God is the most loving, empathic, good, truthful  essence that exists. When we know Source we know love and we do our best to align to the one true living light principles of Creation. We will never be perfect, but we will succeed in this if we truly ask God into our hearts beyond all agenda. God allows all to play out but has a specific preference that is very clear to the heart-based seeker. We can let go of the idea of God as an omnipresent but uncaring force or an overly dominating judgmental force. God understands all. God is working will all. God is trying to redeem all. The word and essence of God is Christ. Ask Christ into your heart and to reveal itself to you and you will understand the level of unconditional love and truth that lives within us all.

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.


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Let's Chat!

Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.


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