Collapsing The Reptilian Interface
We were all born with Divine Authority over darkness
We would be completely unfazed by dark forces if we didn’t decide to take on personal/ collective and ancestral wounds/blindspots that give them consent to attack us until we become conscious of the wounds and heal them.
This means that as we actually reintegrate our Soul and heal all soul fragmentation, we will deal with less personal attack and become truly sovereign through Natural Law.
It’s as if we will exist in another dimensional/ timeline frequency that reptilian consciousness cannot allocate over to due to their inability to go through and God’s Initiations. They can’t move through Ascension Portals and therefore cannot anchor or touch the Ascended Organic 4/5D – although they can hang out in the astral areas between them. This is how they’ve created a phantom 4/5D that’s filled with False Ascension Technology and happens to target and trap a lot of people in their spiritual ego (as we’ve all witnessed).
As we come up to the timeline of 2022-2024 (which is when everything’s going to come out) we are being pushed to face 2 main things:
1) Anywhere that we’re being harvested
2) Anywhere that we’re externalizing our value based on what happens in the matrix.
These both have multilayered wounds where we created a fragmented/ phantom self-based on a false reality from childhood onwards. One of the main wounds I’m being called to talk about today is the most insidious one that absolutely must be dealt with.
Do you know what one of the most painful experiences to the female soul is? It’s is being defined and valued by their sexuality and having their heart/ soul bypassed and discarded. Another word for this is called sexual harvesting.
The reptilians have created a main torture device for the womb of females and this exact pattern and imprint within a male’s inner feminine. Discard the heart/ soul and seek sexual energy to feel close to God without doing the real work
This imprint is playing out in a sacral reversal between two people engaging in this program.
This sacral reversal empowers a reptilian system that is extensive and energetically acts as an interface system that locks into our Light Body. It almost acts as a false beloved frequency to move through the masculine who is coming to engage in this sacral harvesting with the feminine. Both are being played by this force, usually the feminine in allowing this experience to occur which creates a trauma split between the heart/ womb or has already incurred a deep split between the heart and womb from childhood programming that usually has to do with never being told about the sacredness of the womb and their sexuality. They usually begin turning to martyrdom and codependency where she then externalizes that feeling of love with another traumatized masculine that may even be a fallen archetype of a man or vice versa. While men can get wrapped up with Lilith consciousness as well or fallen feminine consciousness which seeks to do the same thing – harvest sexual energy and send it back up to the reptilian harvesting machine or reptilian interface.
This is what sustains the fallen goddess or fallen masculine – being able to harvest the sexual energy of another. It’s a hive mind that works together to ultimately feed a much darker force that exists behind ideas of tantra, polyamory and spiritually open sexuality.
God created the Hieros Gamos System for the safety of our heart, soul and sexual energy. The Inner Union Healing is the answer to all of this. Hieros Gamos and the Christ Sophia Template are the foundation of love, witnessing, truth, vulnerability and sacred sexuality. It works as a Christ Seal to filter out reptilian mess.
Obviously, that template hasn’t been anywhere near our society for so long that we can’t blame ourselves for the ways we’ve acted out sexually in ignorance with the desire to be loved. We need to see it the way it is, the reflection of the sacral chakra on this earth and the devastation to it from a force that hates God’s systems and has been destroying and inverting them from day 1.
It’s important that we take responsibility for when we’ve tried to take that energy to bandaid our God wound as this has been us actually supporting the reptilian interface unknowingly. Powering up their harvesting grids with leaky sexuality and heart/womb, heart/sacral separation.
Our heart works as a filtration system. When our heart is online and healthy it has an intelligence field that cleanses the false ego will of our lower self into helping us create and generate what is within the heart of creation and God. Our heart energy when merged with our sacral will then begin to kick out the programs that have devastated our true sense of self by getting us to reject our true needs for the short-term fulfillment of feeling connection through sex. It will help to fire up our true sacral/ sexual energy that deeply transmutes reptilian signatures and begins to fill with our inner healed masculine energy that magnetizes that into our lives through the true reflection of how God created us and intended our heart/ sexuality to be experienced and received by others who also want to seek God in this way.
Right now in the field, it’s time to really look at this.
Heart/soul-based sexual relating is how we get harvesting entities out of our life and begin to get our creator energy back!
Our sacral and heart are how we co-create and what influences our manifestation with the creator the most
If those aren’t right, nothing is going to be right in our life. Truth be told, it has a massive impact.
- Where has the reptilian consciousness convinced you that you are not sacred and that your sexuality is something to give to them?
- Where have they tried to make you their sex slave?
- Where do they have you sexually and emotionally compromising and sacrificing to get fleeting moments of love?
That’s a very broken system and leaky foundation. It’s not rooted in Christ or reflecting God’s will for you.
Let’s take a really deep look at this and make the conscious decision to save that energy for our true beloved.
Let’s take responsibility for allowing this to happen, or feeling forced and abused into this happening by looking at when these patterns began and why, and what has been influencing our sexual choices?
Let’s decide to drop the reptilian interface today.
Love You All!

PS: If this post resonated with you I invite you to check out my video “What is the Reptilian Interface and How to Clear it” or join the conversation and leave a comment below.
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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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