And How I Came Back To Jesus
(A gift that others deem anti bible or new age may be from God. Not a religious post. The answer may surprise you if you are close-minded!)
First of all, I don’t channel beings. I have never channeled a being in the way others project onto new age/ false light mediumship. From the beginning, I had the common sense to not let another being interface with my energy, let alone come into my body. The idea of it actually caused a repulsion and a strong discerning intuitive (no)
When I had my pineal gland awakening, I was approached by a group of Arcturians (who I love) who not only didn’t try to link into my body in any way but actually spoke with total respect for my energetic space and consent. I never felt violated or manipulated which is incredibly easy to sense with (galactic federation of light, ascended masters) who target people from the astral, tag them and begin merging consciousness through a kind of coerced consent from the human in order to gain access to a body and harvest soul energy to send back to their inverted 5D buddies.
A lot of people who have gone through this end up with a very fragmented, infected consciousness and a God complex that is pretty nauseating and instantly causes repulsion from anyone who is sensitive to imposter spirits. I find it funny when people push religious dogma onto me or assume I’m another new ager because I use the word (channel) it’s funny how little some people understand me and yet seek to invalidate me because I write (channelings) from people like Diana, Marilyn Monroe, or Jim Morrison.
I get it, many people know the psyop that is actually interfacing with entities called “channeling” that were popular before 2015 mainly and then started to be exposed pretty rapidly after that.
I speak with different beings every single day and simple light packets of information received telepathically/ through DNA or a multi-dimensional conversation/ new earth field/space ship (where you can come and go as you please/ nothing forced) where your space is totally respected are just fine and don’t cause any harm or fear. There are many ways for beings to communicate without needing anything from you or trying to subtly bully you into letting them in. Again, this idea that channeling means you’re allowing interfacing and system linking doesn’t apply to people who have collapsed the false ascension realms and inorganic timelines/ astral realms. It may apply to those going off on Galactic Federation of Light/ Saint Germaine/ Metatron tho.
Channeling or relaying a conversation/ visual experience with another being that is connected to earth in whatever way, is about what is relevant here and now, either personally or to be shared collectively. You can be a portal for incredible insights/ true history/ beautiful heart-expanding messages that deal with both love and truth and don’t try to convince people that all is (love and light) and many other incredible ascension knowledge/ techniques that support humanity with reverence and devotion to Christ and the living God.
If these qualities aren’t present in a conversation with another being, then there would be no point in having them.
My templates allow for full conversations with benevolent beings who happen to be multidimensional or once alive here, High Angelics mainly but not limited to.
So through my gifts, it allows a platform for those who seek to support and help us through spiritual insight. Others have this gift as well and it is a very fun, incredible and amazing blessing that I would never change. My connections and friendships with the divine are very colorful and I love seeing what really happened in the life of people that mystery shrouds or behind the scenes to help heal the bloodlines and targeting against those beings once incarnate.
I’ve never experienced them acting helpless or like they need you to do something for them, actually it’s a joy just to share and help us to release emotions and relate better to people that were icons here, just like when Marilyn Monroe showed me her true life here and how she used it to show us that beautiful Sophianic Heart Lesson that was so heart-wrenching and beautiful!
Some people have specific mediumship gifts that are actually directly from God and help a lot of people to connect with loved ones etc. All of us have about 9 specific gift templates we were born with that might be judged by people that are so anti new age that they cannot pallet anything that reminds them of it even if it was an original gift given by God that was hijacked and used for negative purposes like so many are and we’re long ago.
I think when we have our filtration system linked up we can actually be present enough to distinguish what is and isn’t from source without throwing out the baby with the bath water.
Extremes and extreme beliefs are where we are so anti-something we start to shut down our minds and hearts to the infinite possibilities of how God can show up and God’s design in how he created others.
This of course does not excuse blatant misuse of power or trauma-based mind control that is intentionally used by Luciferian beings and acting as powerful gifts or something we should blindly follow without discernment.
It was actually ETs that played a huge role in my return to Jesus. They, the Lyrans/ Arcturians are the ones who actually told me to test the “spirits” with “Christ” before engaging with any of them that try to contact me.
They shared with me that the only true way to stop dark attack in its tracks is the name of (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) they told me that they all love/ worship him and that he is the Guardian of our universe and really was incarnated on the planet and really did die for us here.
They shared incredible insights into his incredible goodness and love. Who he really is and his role as the Son of God.
Everything around me came to reflect this truth after they told me, it helped that my mom was also huge into Jesus and knew so much about him that she would share with me that my infatuation and love for him grew and grew and the more I called upon him, spoke of him, aligned to him the more my life filled up with an extra dimension of power/ love/ truth/ abundance like I had never dreamed of before.
My faith, my heart, my soul caught on fire when I got into Jesus. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was the answer.
This has grown in my Union and is the glue of what keeps me sane and together.
It’s funny because I had 2 people message me telling me (yaweh) the Bible condemns channeling and I found it funny because I don’t actually channel. Nothing I am doing actually says don’t do that in the Bible, I see the Bible as a codebook and I question the Old Testament in a big way, this is just where I’m at though, I’m not telling anyone else that they should feel this way or condemning them for differences. There is so much profound wisdom in the Bible, so much Living Light and then there are aspects of the Old Testament where I can’t help but see the Father as the False Tyrannical Father who really to me, feels Annunaki and not like the true Holy Father that I know so well through Christ.
I’m open to being wrong and maybe the Bible is the full answer, it’s funny because my E.T friends never told me that the Old Testament was not true, they really don’t try to live your life for you or tell you what is and isn’t unless you ask them, and even then they really can only give their wisdom and understanding. They’re not responsible for your choices and don’t try to live your life for you. People who focus solely on seeking outside support really don’t understand that their relationship with God and Christ comes first and secondly advice from Heavenly Hosts if it aligns to God’s Will.
Don’t underestimate all those who have a gift you deem false light or anti bible, you really don’t understand what everyone’s divine assignments are and it’s probably worth investigating a bit more.
Anyways, the bottom line is that I really do thank the Guardian Galactic Teams for supporting my return to Christ and helping me to see how not to go extreme on religious or anti new age to the point that I fear my own gifts and talents that God gave to me to use. Maybe this will inspire you if you’ve been holding back for fear of ignorance/ fear or judgement.
PS: If this post resonated with you I invite you to join the conversation and leave a comment below.
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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