
King Arthur


The satanists are backed into a corner.

Unfortunately, they have been doubling down on Sacrifices/ SRA/Psyops/Mind Control, trying anything and everything they can to maintain control of the collective.

The moloch consciousness, the black magic grids running constantly to uphold their crumbling kingdom. Any psyop they can think of to feed their insatiable blood lust. They have been warned by the luciferians now to stop immediately or that they will end their (food) adrenochrome supply sooner than later.

The satanists feel untouchable as if they will be saved or allowed safe passage through the coming times and they certainly won’t. They believe they can somehow maintain their way of destroying God’s Children and they certainly won’t.

The GRAIL KINGS will not allow it much longer.

Right now, I am personally assisting in the end of the Moloch.

My return to this earth is based on ending this psychopathy.

This irreverence for life is detested by men who hold the Christ/ Melchizedek/ Magi/ Grail King consciousness.

I am not here to stop humanity from learning its own lessons, but I am here to help stop and dismantle these satanic networks as a part of what has been called and needed by the children down there, they have called for Christ. They have called for their fathers and mothers.

The guardians are finally able to reach them.

It’s been years and years of clearing E.T overlays that have blocked access to their underground factories.

I am going to go head to head with moloch. I am going to help slay Marduk consciousness but I need the help of men to receive me and allow me to bring my RUBY DNA (benevolent king) codes back to them.

They will stand up and I will speak through them.

I will be pulsating through the field like an electric current and this will locate all forms of moloch demonic architecture, unplug it and align the benevolent king ROD principle.

This ruby color grail energy will awaken hearts to the Christ while it allows integrity, honor, and men to wake back up to their most important mission, which is the sacred innocence that has been being devoured by this force against God’s will for far too long.

It is our most important guardian mission now.

The prevalence of the black magic used from sacrificing innocent beings is what keeps these dark cabals in their positions of stolen power. At the top, this is what is done behind closed doors to maintain these inversions in the matrix.

This will take some time and then it will all end at once.

The luciferians and satanists will continue their battle and this is why we are seeing the fighting persist and going through such a rough period.

But much more needs to be done now and I have heard the call so I am telling you that grid by grid these satanic networks are now being focused on by the guardians more than ever.

It is my duty and my call to face this force directly and take down the root of the distortion through the direct help of the incarnated grail lines.

Please do your part by aligning with the Christ and upholding the protection of innocence and speaking up when you see that essence being mishandled if it is aligned for you to do so.

Please do your part by seeing how you can represent aspects of the Holy Benevolent King Codes and Holy Mother Arc Portals. Hold these children in your heart and help move them through what some must still go through.

I alway say, if they have to go through it we should be able to know about it and take action based on this unpleasant truth.

Know that I am, layer by layer, aligning and calling forth the men on this earth now for more organization that is not just about healing the heart of men but how to do the spiritual work within the multidimensional fields and earth grids to make a huge difference.

The gifts and magic held within the Grail King DNA and template is no joke in terms of what it can defeat and overcome. Especially the magical gifts it contains and unlocks.

Many of you are initiating and have been for years.

Pray on how you can take action and fear nothing.

Jesus taught: fear nothing, Jesus taught: if you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.

And it will save others.

We are here on a mission to take back souls, the souls that have been held against their wills and the souls that have fallen off the path and want to come back home.

You have no idea your power.

Your power in numbers multiplies. Imagine if you actually started fighting back?

What if you built in sovereignty?

What if you claim God’s Natural Law?

Imagine if you actually knew how to defend yourself and others even if they are not within your reach?

Do something. Take action. Don’t wait for a saviour, your saviour is relying on your heart to do what God is asking.

God needs conduits for his love/ justice/ truth because God honors free will.

It has to be stopped through us, not for us.

I am here and I have chosen to incarnate as a human man, this is also my fight. This is personal. It should be for you too because what happens to one happens to us all.

Tell me you don’t feel this world, tell me that you can continue on like nothing is happening?

You can’t, and I can’t either.

Do something. We need you.

– Arthur

Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.



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