Sophianic Feminine Christ Returncomes full circle + support for Dark AttackIn This UpdateBlue Ray Christ Stream Sophianic Feminine Christ Return comes full circle Energetic support for dark attack as we move through the Lion’s Gate Portal (The following video is a...
Why having “it all” has nothing on True Abundance and our real Mission here
Why having "it all" has nothing on True Abundance and our real Mission hereIn this videoWhy having it all, self-care, money, orgasms, rich bitch spiritual lifestyle and the curated life have nothing on the True Abundance from activated Angels and Starseeds and our...
What happens when and after you work with a New Age Teacher?
What happens when and after you work with a New Age Teacher?In This VideoWhat happens when and after you work with a New Age Teacher? St. Germain / Arch Angel Metatron Why does it cause so much destruction? Love You All!Did This Resonate With You?Subscribe to our...
NanoTech, Magnets and Kovid Killshot Support
NanoTech, Magnets and Kovid KillshotSupportThe video with the God Seal Activation can be accessed HERE Love You All!Did This Resonate With You?Subscribe to our newsletter below to receive the latest field updates, organic ascension information and event announcements....
Solar Feminine vs Lunar Feminine (Saturn/Moon Matrix)
Solar Femininevs the Lunar Feminine(Saturn/Moon Matrix)Love You All!Did This Resonate With You?Subscribe to our newsletter below to receive the latest field updates, organic ascension information and event announcements. © 2016 - 2025 Emily Harris. All Rights...
How to Protect Yourself from BioWeapon Vax Shedding
How to Protect Yourselffrom bioweapon vax sheddingHow to protect yourself from bioweapon vax shedding MRNA. Ascension Update + Activation and Healing. If you’d like to make a donation in gratitude for this Activation & Healing you can do so HERE.If you feel ready...
CV/5G Plasma Light Clearing and Density Collapse Activation
Plasma Light ClearingCV/5G Density Collapse ActivationIn this videoI’ve created a free CV/5G Plasma Light Clearing and Density Collapse Activation This is a profound Plasma Light clearing and density collapse for pockets of illness, disease and pestilence, phantom...
What is a Cosmic Christian?
What is aCosmic Christian?In this videoInstead of being a religious person I am a Cosmic Christian. What does that mean?Love You All!Did This Resonate With You?Subscribe to our newsletter below to receive the latest field updates, organic ascension information and...
Filed Update + Sophia Return + Body Upgrades
Sophia Returnand Body UpgradesIn this videoFiled Update + Sophia Return & Body Template UpgradesLove You All!Did This Resonate With You?Subscribe to our newsletter below to receive the latest field updates, organic ascension information and event announcements. ©...