
Hydroplasmic Golden Christ Light of Truth hitting the Earth Now

Hydroplasmic Golden Christ Light (the Light of Truth) is hitting the earth right now intensely and uncovering and revealing profound deceptions and long buried truths. The truth belongs to God and our consciousness and cannot be withheld for much longer by black magic mind filters and A.I mind control systems.

Our Soul has complete dominion over inorganic consciousness, so these are no longer blocking our higher vision of perception to a frequency that completely overrides delusion and manipulation…

How to be with Horrifying Sensations

I choose the word ‘horrifying’ because some feelings, experiences and sensations are unbearable in the moment and even horrifying to experience or witness.

In learning how to compassionately witness them it can be so uncomfortable, the resistance can be so intense and yet, it can deepen you tremendously – if you have this gift and can relate.

As someone who has the gift to create the container for miraculous healing (a gift given to me by the Holy Spirit – the only giver of all spiritual gifts), I have the ability to empath on a level that many people would not dare to go…

Ruby Grail Line Return for the Masculine Christ Bloodlines

I know a tall Shaman on the Ruby Christ Masculine Bloodline called “White Navajo” from my Gridwork and Divine Union work and have worked closely with him through the 2020 Solstice Portal.

I was so happy to see him again. He told me that there is a Ruby Grail Line Return for the Masculine Christ Bloodlines.

His body emanated with Rainbow Electric Fractals and I could feel the surge of the prophecy of the mass awakening coming in the blood and memory for the Ruby Grail 12-Strand DNA Template Holders.

Massive Blue Crystal DNA Womb Architecture Upgrades 

The Christ has informed me that the womb space of the feminine collective and Solar Sophia Bloodlines is going through a massive upgrade and becoming crystalline.

This is activating Cosmic Sexual Creational and Multidimensional Manifestation Initiations.

As our sexual organs begin to activate, the blood which works as the energetic plasma of the body is going through major purification and activation. Our blood holds ancient power and memory…

Reclamation of Christ Sophia’s True Lineage and Story

Reclamation of Christ Sophia’s True Lineage and Story

We are in a huge clearing: Reclamation of Christ Sophia’s true lineage and story –
Jesus Christ of Nazareth and Mary of Magdalene. Organic Union Codes sealing out false timelines and reclaiming organic seals and covenants.

The Council of Nicaea (fallen masculine priesthood) has caused extreme distortion in our understanding of Christ/Sophia through biblical texts – when they got their hands on the Bible as it was before it was completely inverted in order to mind control the masses…

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Polarity and Leadership through the Cosmic Mirror of Christ Sophia

Polarity and Leadership through the Cosmic Mirror of Christ Sophia

Polarity and leadership of the masculine is only done safely through the Cosmic Mirror of Christ Sophia.

If Christ Sophia is where you submit energetically and are inspired from on a heart/soul level, you are safe, you are truly holding the Law that the feminine will happily align to and become her highest self embodiment over Divine Timing.

If you are not led by Christ, you are trying to create an extension of your own ego and idea of what femininity looks like In order to make yourself comfortable…

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Grief – A preparation we cannot bypass

Grief – A preparation we cannot bypass

I genuinely feel that when we set up to come to earth, we underestimate the level of density, we forget what a nervous system feels like in this dimension.

We jump in feeling the desire to help return God’s people and support the Earth’s Ascension and now that we’re here and we’re in the thick of this anti christ battle, we are desperate for the pain to end, we are desperate for our fellow human/ non-humans to wake up to this demonic infection in our universe, as we know this awareness is what starves it and ends it sooner rather than after tons more destruction it is setting up to do takes place….

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Advice for the Angels and Starseeds at this time

Advice for the Angels and Starseeds at this time

A lot of fallen beings have entered into our world from black holes/ dark portals that have been ripped opened by the malevolent E.T factions behind the shadow government that recruit them for the unrelenting attack on incarnated Angels and Starseeds along with countless other evil assignments to “delay” the ascension process.

They come from the Outer Darkness which is an expansive void outside the Universe that holds everything that has rejected God. It’s a void of Godlessness that has many different layers and levels depending on the life you lived and the level of pain you have caused others willingly and for your own gain/pleasure.

These black holes being open allow them open access to our Earth….

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Sirian Message: God Technology and Consciousness Expansion

Sirian Message: God Technology and Consciousness Expansion

The Sirians are communicating that right now is a time to learn new ascension information and to study, whether it’s through a new course, a book, inner soul communication and learning with our Galactic Teams or however we connect best to learning.

It’s a huge level-up time to expand our consciousness and God Technology within our Soul Matrix.
Abilities to stop cataclysmic events are becoming readily available to us as we move into the unity consciousness field and pull it down into the body/earth grids…

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Blue Faerie Guides Support Return to Eternal LifeStream

Blue Faerie Guides Support Return to Eternal LifeStream

As we return to Eternal Life through full reliance on God’s sustenance, we anchor the new earth and begin to align to victory over the inorganic timelines.

It’s interesting what I’m seeing. It’s like a breakdown of Luciferian, reversal serpent energies that have been feeding on the root/ sacral.

Joan of arc is a Grail Queen and a part of the Sophia Christ incarnation line and I’m feeling the devotional aspect Is what she’s highlighting in the field for us all. We’re being shown to fully reconnect through devotion with the Creator and as we do this, luciferian reversals that have been in control of some of these grids we’re all working on are collapsing and there’s these Diamond Faerie Devotional/ Eternal Life Streams that are just enveloping us…

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The Feminine Womb is a portal of Creation

The Feminine Womb is a portal of Creation

The womb of the Feminine is a portal of creation that holds the signatures of the Divine Beloved in order to magnetize him into her life when she is fully ready.

When those signatures get mixed up from sexual or emotional interaction with a man that holds Reptilian Genetics (narcissism/sociopathy) and is not in Devotion to her Soul, she can begin cycling in Sexual Misery and Martyrdom with a Fallen Male Archetype, end up feeding his sickness with her sexual energy and thus empowering him to continue to be energized through her Light Essence…

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Beings truly serving the Eternal Christ/God will NEVER ask to merge with you

Beings truly serving the Eternal Christ/God will NEVER ask to merge with you

Beings that truly serve the eternal Christ/God will never ever ask to merge with your body to speak to you and they will never ask you to channel them or to share space within your vessel.

It is highly damaging to our DNA and nervous system to allow beings that come from the Phantom Ascension Matrix (lower/reversal 4th Dimensional Astral and lower 5th Dimension) into our body to speak to them or to relay information to others.

Most of the channels thus far are speaking to the Galactic Federation of Light (GFOL) or Ascended Masters that are actually degenerating the Source Light within that person’s body template…

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Multidimensional Reflections: 12 Chakra System Acceleration

Multidimensional Reflections: 12 Chakra System Acceleration

Our physical body is being hit very hard these last 2 weeks or so. This is due to the shifting of the 3rd and 4th Star Gates on our earth that correlate to the 3rd and 4th Chakras in our Light Body

Our 12 Chakra System is going through an acceleration to expand and open way beyond the Pain Body Layers that are currently blocking the 8th ( higher heart ) 9th ( back of the throat/ cosmic intelligence).

These energies are pushing up tons of miasma from the lower 4th chakra that connects to the astral timelines in Egypt that all link up to money issues, money troubles, looping money blocks and black magic curses around money.

This is going to actually bring all of that to the surface to get our attention that we need to be…

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Collapsing the Reptilian Interface

Collapsing the Reptilian Interface

We were all born with Divine Authority over darkness.

We would be completely unfazed by dark forces if we didn’t decide to take on personal/ collective and ancestral wounds/blindspots that give them consent to attack us until we become conscious of the wounds and heal them.

This means that as we actually reintegrate our Soul and heal all soul fragmentation, we will deal with less personal attack and become truly sovereign through Natural Law.

As we come up to the timeline of 2022-2024 (which is when everything’s going to come out) we are being pushed to face 2 main things…

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Bloodline Entity Eviction making way for Solar, Angelic Goddess Templates and Emerald Heart Christ Returns

Bloodline Entity Eviction making way for Solar, Angelic Goddess Templates and Emerald Heart Christ Returns

The black magic being thrown at us the last few days is enough to create tension, keep us feeling tired, sad, a bit unstable but also enough to get us to dig very deep.

That’s what I’ve taken this opportunity to do. To see anywhere that I’m still externalizing my safety and stability and anywhere I’m not relying on the creator for my sustenance.

Long term family bloodline demons and entities are currently being banished from a long standing harvesting cycle on certain Christ/Angelic Bloodlines here.

Once they began dehumanizing incarnated Angels and Starseeds in the past….

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Grief – A preparation we cannot bypass

Grief – A preparation we cannot bypass

I genuinely feel that when we set up to come to earth, we underestimate the level of density, we forget what a nervous system feels like in this dimension.

We jump in feeling the desire to help return God’s people and support the Earth’s Ascension and now that we’re here and we’re in the thick of this anti christ battle, we are desperate for the pain to end, we are desperate for our fellow human/ non-humans to wake up to this demonic infection in our universe, as we know this awareness is what starves it and ends it sooner rather than after tons more destruction it is setting up to do takes place….

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Advice for the Angels and Starseeds at this time

Advice for the Angels and Starseeds at this time

A lot of fallen beings have entered into our world from black holes/ dark portals that have been ripped opened by the malevolent E.T factions behind the shadow government that recruit them for the unrelenting attack on incarnated Angels and Starseeds along with countless other evil assignments to “delay” the ascension process.

They come from the Outer Darkness which is an expansive void outside the Universe that holds everything that has rejected God. It’s a void of Godlessness that has many different layers and levels depending on the life you lived and the level of pain you have caused others willingly and for your own gain/pleasure.

These black holes being open allow them open access to our Earth….

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Sirian Message: God Technology and Consciousness Expansion

Sirian Message: God Technology and Consciousness Expansion

The Sirians are communicating that right now is a time to learn new ascension information and to study, whether it’s through a new course, a book, inner soul communication and learning with our Galactic Teams or however we connect best to learning.

It’s a huge level-up time to expand our consciousness and God Technology within our Soul Matrix.
Abilities to stop cataclysmic events are becoming readily available to us as we move into the unity consciousness field and pull it down into the body/earth grids…

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