Bloodline Entity Eviction making way for Solar, Angelic Goddess Templates and Emerald Heart Christ Returns

The black magic being thrown at us the last few days is enough to create tension, keep us feeling tired, sad, a bit unstable but also enough to get us to dig very deep

That’s what I’ve taken this opportunity to do. To see anywhere that I’m still externalizing my safety and stability and anywhere I’m not relying on the creator for my sustenance.

Long-term family bloodline demons and entities are currently being banished from a long-standing harvesting cycle on certain Christ/Angelic Bloodlines here.

Once they began dehumanizing incarnated Angels and Starseeds in the past, they created wounding and corruption within us allowing them easy access to the genetic material/ DNA/ Source Energy from latching on and then creating trauma-based mind control targeting and enslavement programs.

They then began moving into the bloodlines and through multiple family generations holding the Christ Energy/Christ Returns for our Ascension Timeline. They began throwing mountains of unprocessed karma onto us in this current timeline, super loading us with trials, tribulations, betrayal scenarios, trauma/ drama cycles, broken relationships and even specific people to come in and mentally/ emotionally try to take us down – acting as a beloved/ twin flame or spiritual family but actually being an imposter or draconian starseed with an angelic takedown assignment.

We’ve all pretty much undergone a lot of this kind of targeting and it’s now at a point where we can start getting these entities/ demons empowering these looping timelines completely out of ourselves and anyone connected to our DNA. It’s a new level of Angelic/ Christ/ Starseed Sovereignty Alignment that has come through the hard work, blood, sweat and tears we’ve all put into the devotion to God which asked profound ego death and a giving up of our personal will for God’s Will through us.

Being able to get these long-standing demons off of our backs is huge. It’s massive. It means a lot.

It means that the most stubborn curse seals on us broken.

I have battled and faced the nastiest, most hateful family demon and won this last week, promoting the Elohim Blue Ray Solar Angelics to tell me that this is no coincidence and that they’re now coming up for a final battle. This is why they’re trying to take as many people through suicide, addictions and various death programming as possible right now because they’re being full-on evicted right now and over this next month (its kind of like the theme of this month is what I was shown) they’re fighting it by trying to get people deep into their pain body and trapped.

This eviction will be making way more room for Solar Angelic Goddess Templates and Emerald Heart Christ Returns within us and to spread all through the 12 Christed Bloodlines and Grail Lines on our earth

It’s all about the Return of Christ/Sophia right now and getting these unwanted entities away from us so that we stop dealing with relentless BS, karma, black magic hexes and curses that we’ve already worked through.

Ask the Golden Light of Christ to atone all Earthly and Galactic Bloodlines that you are connected to. Ask that all corruption be forgiven that you are in any way a part of, even if you did not cause it. Ask for the Golden Elixir of the Christ to wash it away and those old timelines will burn out and fall away, making room for the one, Organic Timeline with your Mission and Liberation to begin activating.

This will evict all bloodline entities feeding on actions that have not been atoned for in the past that you are connected to through ancestry or family of origin.

The Christ energy is the only one that can heal pain/ events as if they never happened. That is what forgiveness from God is and that’s what the devotion to Christ invites.

It’s the actual clearing of energy as if it never even occurred and you don’t have to pay for its sins any longer.

False karma and timelines are a reptilian tactic and a very high-level one used on us over millennia.

Angels are saying we can be done with this and process this. Even if you have to see your parents’ choices and the pain imprinted on you from them, ask for that atonement and process all of that for total clearing.

Remember, the satanists are losing (hence why they are so mad and not all giddy) that’s why they’re doing all the mandates, losing and don’t have the numbers they hoped… trust that process.

Love You All!

PS: If this post resonated with you I invite you to join the conversation and leave a comment below.

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.



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