If you go through an inauthentic ego death through the false ascension matrix (false light) you will experience a psychosis and an instability that can lead to the desire to commit suicide.

Through the True Christ Light, we experience the breaking down of our ego safely and in alignment with God – no gaslighting involved, no need to become Christ-like or kill your humanness. Whereas, if we go through false gurus and teachers and inverted spiritual knowledge, we will feel so ungrounded and out of touch with Source that we will actually feel like our Soul is dying as the process tries to get rid of the necessary aspects of us needed for a full spectrum human experience. The reason God allows it to get so painful and harmful to our true self is so that, eventually, we intuit that something about what we’re doing isn’t aligned and get out of the entanglement with those beliefs, ideas and teachings. 

Ego death is about the parts of us that act as walls over our hearts. Anything that separates us from feeling God’s love and emitting God’s love and compassion will naturally be healed over time and without any ”force”. 

That Doesn’t mean God won’t hold us to the fire. It means it’s done without the narcissistic overlay of being forced into kindness, niceness, compassion, and a phoney presence of love that is filled with dissociation and hollowness.

This kind of phoney love or anti-human, uninitiated pain-body deception that projects a false self in order to gain power over others is the literal opposite expression of God. God can hold and does hold all human pain, atrocity, imperfection and full expression with the most authentic empathy possible. God does not and would never teach to become something impossible in order to reach a state of enlightenment. 

The truly enlightened are the realist people you know. They are the underdogs, the rejected and mostly the ones that don’t fit into a spiritual stereotype. They don’t need to dress a certain way, act or change their voice to sound “powerful” or “alien-like”. They don’t need to have a million dollars or 100,000 Instagram followers. 

The mutated energy of false ego death dressed up as having somehow “transcended humanness” is the essence of a wolf that pretends to be a sheep. That person who would feel the need to be so much more than what they are or so beyond where they truly are cannot emit God’s true expression and signature to others. God’s love, loves one where they actually are and not when they become “perfect”. 

A scripture that backs this up is actually, “salvation through works”. You cannot become so good that you enter God’s kingdom through doing and being a perfect Christian or a perfect guru. It is the opposite… 

Salvation is freely given to you as you are – can you accept that you are loved eternally flaws and all? 

This doesn’t mean you can treat others however you want or act like an overt asshole, it means that if you care about what God cares about and you do your best in life; whatever that looks like while also falling short; then you are worthy of salvation in the eyes of God. 

We waste so much time trying to be worthy as if the “universe” only cares or gives to those with the utmost confidence and belief that they deserve it. Those kinds of teachings will lead you so far into purgatory that you will reject what is truly present and what is truly being felt, whether it’s anger, or some deeper more uncomfortable aspect of yourself in order to generate something close to an AI image or clone of yourself hoping it’s beautiful enough, cool enough and enlightened enough to be seen as worthy or high value. Real ego death involves the most intimate relationship with your Creator and the ability to look at your own learned or inherited pathologies and grow from them in God’s perfect timing.

Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.



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