Ancient Cathar Heart & Womb Technology Coming Online via Carnac France 

The word Cathar can deeply resonate for many people as it is the original translation of the true Sophia Code or the Female God Principle manifesting into form. 

When we begin healing our Womb/Heart Solar Line that links the womb and higher heart together, it will activate the Cathar Code or Blue Aqua Diamond Cathar Crystal Seed within both chakras riding electric blue diamond light creating the Sophianic Template and turning on the highest, most magnetic form of feminine energy possible. 

The Cathar/Sophia Code is the essence of the most pristine, authentic, organic feminine energy that exists in our multiverse because it comes directly from the Holy Spirit/ Female God Head of Creation. No matter what polarity teachings are out there around embodying femininity, most of them are faulty, deficient or half true if they do not talk about embodying the Cathar Code and reawakening Cathar within, and/or the Female Christ Energy. 

The Cathar is true innocence, it holds every quality imbued by the Creator into a perfect Aqua Diamond Seal. Thus, the true Cathar/Sophia Template holders are some of the most targeted individuals on the planet. They’re a massive threat to the anti-Christ and always a target for the lunar/inverted feminine conduits due to the Cathar Code rising equaling obliteration to the reign of the fallen feminine and archonic womb-harvesting baphomet network. Once Cathar is established in the cosmic earthly Sophianic body of enough women and is able to hold the higher fields of light and innocence, the common enemy will fall and that process is in the midst of occurring as we can all feel. 

The real Cathar Code rising can feel like processing hell. In order for the Aqua Cathar Electric Blue Light to fully rise within us, we must face an initiation like no other. The moment we begin resurrecting Cathar within the womb, we experience aggressive reptilian attacks and the deepest layers of emotional processing around timeline trauma events, being used and abused, slavery, misogyny, astral torture/rape, breeding programs and reptilian: annunaki interfacing and genetics, hybridization, Milab programs, and reclaiming our genetics and our original teachings from the hands of those who have stolen them. When we retrieve the Blue Crystal Cathar Diamond, it awakens within as it has been dormant for a long time and then as the blue aqua light and essence of Sophia begins rising through us, we begin to deeply know ourselves, our purpose and we get in touch with the most profound creational, orgasmic, innocent holistic light and power that gives us the strength and the courage to become, hold and know that we are meant to without compromise. 

The Female God Principle and the Aqua Cathar Code are one in the same, and this is a Diamond Womb/Heart Technology given to us by the Grail Queens in different formats and blueprints held within the timelines. When we have a specific Grail Queen connection (for example a connection to the Magdalene consciousness) we can retrieve the exact teachings and codes of that being and utilize them honorably and reverently. If we misuse teachings like this for power, money or self-gain, we will be barred from accessing them any further and then will be teaching corrupted information that harms way more than it helps, so in this process of raising the Cathar Code and gaining clearance to hidden knowledge, we must give all glory to God and mention the origin of the information as it must stay linked to the Sophia Oracle Logos always. If we separate a teaching from the Logos of Christ-Sophia, we no longer have access to the code that makes us powerful and are left with information that is powerful but deficient in Christ, therefore, it will run reversals. (Please, always honor the origin and give glory when doing this kind of work, do not go around hybridizing and trying to take codes for yourself or pull from the original template and then misrepresent it as this causes severe backlash and karmic repercussions as we see with beings like Thoth who stole the Emerald Teachings from Melchizedek. When we truly honor, the Holy Spirit will guide us on how to teach and how to embody and all will be tremendously well!) 

The grid work in Carnac France that we did in my ‘Grid and Field Work Immersion Course’ last week was very in-depth, so I can’t explain every layer here but after years of work around this, we were able to retrieve the Cathar Diamond that anchors through the higher heart and then runs the most incredible healing energy through the hands for miracle level healing. When we ran the retrieval we had to rebuild the Triple Solar Goddess Body and her Blue Rose Networks clearing severely corrupted elementals and beings that were holding her body parts hostage. We evicted these archons from the Aqua Diamond Grid over there and the result after was the clearest visuals I’ve ever had and the deepest understanding of the Cathar Heart/Womb Technology – they gave me an entire list of what it’s capable of doing and how to practice it. I’ll write that list below. 

Carnac is the chosen land mass where Sophia, the Female God Principle is returning to our planet and her body/essence is coming back together from eons of torture and impalement. Any person or group of people who have, in the past, tried to teach about the Sophia (the Holy Spirit) as an intrinsic part of Christ were shut down, hunted or killed so again, what’s happened to us ( our Christed Ancestors) in all the timelines has been being processed and it’s becoming easier and more readily safe, aligned and available for the Aqua Diamond to be utilized and rehabilitated through our womb/heart matrix now. Thank you God! 

The list of what the Cathar Heart/Womb Technology can do when fully invited to rise and awaken back through us is as follows: 

  • Miracle-Level Healings of illness, sickness, disease, stuck emotions, implants, entity removal and DNA damage
  • The ability to process all emotions with presence, love and care through the heart going beyond regular emotional processing through the sacral (blue light alchemization) 
  • The power of the heart to feel, know, see and hear, meaning full scope psychic abilities that go beyond what we’ve be able to do previously 
  • Access to the Sophianic Grail Queen Timeline Teachings, Codes, Healing Modalities,  Information and memories 
  • Access to Sophia Stargate information within the womb and earth 
  • Accessing higher fields of profound magnetism, essence, innocence and feminine energy as God intended 
  • Seeing through the eyes of the heart 
  • Clearing all lunar, dark mother, dark feminine reversals including black crescent moon overlays that clear access to our womb/heart by lunar consciousness 
  • Healing the solar light currents of the body 
  • Multi-orgasmic abilities by activating the crystal seed in the cervix 
  • Direct communication with the Mother Arc and telepathy with Grail Queens
  • Healing reptilian interface and false twin flame through the higher heart 
  • Working with the water elementals of the earth and communing with dolphins and whales. 
  • Flushing away black magic and curse matrices 
  • Full self-love and acceptance 
  • Allowing the aqua light to move through you and feeling held in God pool energy 
  • Psychic self-defence by blasting the light through hands and heart 
  • Balances mental issues and stabilizes heart-mind communication and figure 8 templates
  • Purifying the etheric body for the houses of Christ to be engendered 

There’s even more, but I don’t know everything yet. 

This technology is now available and coming online for those ready/called to the Cathar Code in general. Those who are truly meant to hold this will feel it and know it. As I said, the technology is coming up from Carnac with the Triple Solar Goddess ( 3 beings of profound light) that oversee this stone circle. I’m truly amazed at the change I feel being able to carry this now and the holy power and ecstasy it is bringing to me and my family. 

It is truly unprecedented what we’ve had to overcome and process through layers of hell realms to be able to lift into these scopes and field ranges and hold above the fallen form while also helping to put her back together. 

True innocence is the Cathar, is Sophia and is what Christ lives to love, hold and protect. Unfortunately, with our very sad galactic history, we’ve been torn apart. This Cathar Technology within the heart will also be magnetic to the true Christ- Code Holders within the masculine that are ready for support. When I received the technology it was in that moment that I fully embraced myself entirely and let go of wanting to run away from the pain in my heart chakra. I fully entered my heart and left where I was too cerebral and mentally focused. I’mery excited to see where this goes 

I hope this helps!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.



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