The False Ascension Matrix Astral Trap

False light healers will not fall until there is no more desire and market for them to succeed. 

There is a high demand for gurus and glamorized, materialistic spiritual movements still. People are still calling for and need the new age and extreme religious cult movements because that’s where they are in their initiations. Many go through false light in order to find the true Christ/ God and find their way out, but the suffering is necessary for them to wake up. Nobody can stop this or take down this entire system until people are collectively at a place to let go of the need for this kind of wake-up call in order to learn discernment. Some people who are real Starseeds and Angels are holding these corrupted fields of energy as a service to humanity. They are going in and then coming back out in order to bring more light from Source and clear out these shadows through witnessing the infection of the false light realms and the sentinels who hold them in place and profit financially and through power structures that are inverted. 

False light realms that hold nefarious entities masquerading as beings of light are upheld in the astral. Many get hooked into these astral false ascension matrices and consciousness traps and go through lightbody inversion and attack until they realize what’s going on and unhook. They realize this once they have been siphoned enough and see that the guru on the pedestal or the teachings have harmed them instead of healed them. A lot of people still want a quick fix or the delusion of material wealth through the false ascension matrix. They are still looking for their life to magically shift and mimic the spiritual teacher they’ve allowed to middleman the idea of God or manifestation to them. It’s actually very sad and I feel immense grief watching people go through this or the stories I hear of people who have fallen for this trap. We can bring light and truth to this community and we can share our stories while doing our grid work and spiritual work but we cannot save them or take down the false ascension matrix single-handedly. That’s dark ego in itself to think that we can just collapse this phantom realm which so many have given their free will, thoughts and belief to. It is their journey and their lesson and vital to bring people back to the light of God. 

This false ascension astral trap is extensive but compared to where it was 10 years ago it’s very weakened and unstable. The work of the return of the Christ Sophia Template has definitely made it more challenging for those placeholders to extend their reach and make money or loosh harvest to stay in power. The ultimate fall of this system is accomplished through authentic awakening and a true heart desire to live and breathe our true mission – when we are personally and collectively dedicated to this the astral will not hold such a divide and power over so many and we will witness those in unearned places of power begin to crumble because they cannot allocate their frequency through the New Earth Timeline until they to do this work. Archons cannot access these New Earth Fields and Timelines, they cannot mimic the real deal Christ energy. They can only hold a synthetic frequency through false promises of money, power, estate and union and pull people in to spend their time and money with eyes and ears closed projecting their “false dream reality”. 

This idea of power, money, estate and union is exciting to the uninitiated. Imagine that you could bypass all the hard work of ascension, essentially bypassing your initiations with God and get everything you’ve ever dreamed of. This is hard to pass up for people who are hiding or simply do not know any better or understand what a true living, breathing relationship with God requires. This real relationship requires relinquishing our compensatory dream life that our ego made us believe will fix everything, fill the void, and make us feel better permanently and accept real work. The wealth and riches of God translate into being taken care of and not necessarily the freedom of the matrix and what the “god” of this world promises. It requires looking at the evil and enemy that we are all contending with and clearing our lightbody. It requires deep forgiveness and love of those we may even hate. It requires immense sacrifice instead of constant me me me me, what can I get? It requires sifting the wheat from the chaff, having our ego decimated and burning in the true fire of transformation in order to have what the soul truly longs for instead of what the false self tells us is important. It requires truly serving others instead of the self. It requires trust in God and faith even if our reality does not match what we think it should be or look like. 

The false ascension matrix asks you to reject your soul and take on an AI image of yourself for the world so that you are liked and loved by the world. Some people are running and hiding from the true work so they cling to a persona that matches their desires. They buy for and sell this astral illusion and they are all in it together, upholding this market. Nobody can take down another person’s need for this experience on a soul level because God is the one allowing it with the wisdom that they will not stay stuck there and eventually see the light. It’s a perfect segway to what really matters, going so deeply into what never satisfies. 

It is not our job to try and stop this delusion. It may be exactly what’s right for one’s soul to learn and discern the fake from the real. We can stand here in our truth and await the people who will eventually find us and see a person who is a representative of Christ. Deep compassion and continuation of the Christ Sophia message will attract and magnetize those who are ready when they are ready and trust that they may need to go through being burned and then eventually make it out to the other side when they are ready. There would never be so many spiritual narcissists if there wasn’t such a high demand for them. It’s in the consciousness field of the awakening humanity and they are capable of overcoming this. When everyone is ready or enough are ready this icky field of synthetic light will collapse and no longer use and abuse people. We can continue to bring and speak truth and life and allow the magnetic field of Christ to realign people so that they too can help others heal from this level of light body damage. 

Ascension is the literal process of processing higher dimensional fields into the physical body, angelic body and DNA and that requires going through the astral and false ascension matrix in order to go beyond the indigo template that was highly infected. Some get stuck in these realms and think that they are ascending when they are not, they just spiral and cycle. Many break through to the true higher dimensional Christ fields and then arc them down into the grids. In this process, there is unbelievable attack and it takes a lot to get through so it’s no wonder so many are challenged. 

Just remember, only Christ can bring us true freedom, wealth, union, mission and fulfilment in life, and not any counterfeit system or guru.

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.


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Let's Chat!

Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.


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