Shakti Goddess Energy:

The Crystal Seed Amrita Nectar Frequency

Shakti Goddess Energy: breeding program tags, parasites and implants trying to stop the Goddess energy from resurrecting in the body. The cervix and uterus as a crystal seed or portal holding (Amrita) which has been sought after for a very long time. 


I was thinking about my daughter today. Her aura and energy signature. It’s like a aeon of light in her tiny body. It reminds me of a fairy or some kind of Goddess Template she’s holding that has a mystical feel to it. 

As I was pondering her origins and purpose, I was struck with the feeling of the Female God Code or Feminine God Essence that rolls off of her in waves and noticed that I had never fully been present to this before now. 

The reason why it struck me so strongly was because I had felt triggered earlier today and hormonally off. I felt an underlying annoyance and irritation in my energy that I couldn’t shake. I laid down and began focusing deeper on this anger I was feeling. It felt very masculine and intense like I would snap at someone who crossed me. I continued to feel deeper until I got an image of my sacral chakra, specifically my uterus, in my mind’s eye. 

I knew I was about to unlock something profound and felt overwhelmed. 

It was not just for me but for all women. 

Specifically, it was connected to my daughter which I will explain in this post. A core wound around “needs” began surfacing, “I don’t feel my needs are met.” I owned that I felt this way deep down even though on a day-to-day basis I was not aware of this fully. I connected this feeling of rage and snapping with unmet needs and deep emotional pain around unmet needs. 

This correlated with my hormones because the wound was located in my uterus, effectively creating an ‘off’ feeling in my inner feminine communication or the way glands communicate and secrete to allow endocrine balance. I noticed a thick, black goo-like substance coagulated in this area and a strange-looking device connecting from my uterus to my cervix. I asked what this was and was shown that it is a breeding program tag (annunaki enslavement device). I noticed the anger coming up again as I witnessed this. The original trauma was connected to something so painful for the feminine to witness that I wasn’t sure if I could go into it, however, I decided to face it and saw a very sacred fluid called Amrita within my uterus being siphoned and this had gone back to the Cathar Lineages where it was discovered that women could secrete this liquid and that only the feminine body could do it because it’s part of the Female God Blueprint of the female sex organs. 

It actually can heal and activate the masculine Lightbody if it is able to come through lovemaking in Divine Union. I’m not talking about squirting or female ejaculate in general because many women can do this, I’m talking about a Crystal Seed Blueprint that can be activated when Shakti/Sophia/Goddess Energy begins to resurrect in the body. When the Sophia Resurrection occurs, the energy itself will go through the sex organs and turn on this Crystal Seed in the cervix/uterus area that allows that specific fluid (Amrita) to come through in a state of blissful lovemaking where we feel God Consciousness. 

This fluid is so powerful that long ago when the feminine began being abused in unspeakable ways, this Amrita Template or fluid ever becoming present was sure to be stolen or siphoned by fallen beings because of what it can do. When we have our Shakti Resurrection and we begin allowing internalized misogyny to clear, we get access to incredible creation power held as instruction sets in our sacral – it’s like having access to a Stargate that can receive and send information around all sorts of data that can empower incredible powers, gifts, knowledge, blissful feelings and ecstasy within the feminine that only she can gift the masculine. 

I began seeing and realizing this Goddess Code. 

I saw how in my specific bloodline there was a desire to siphon this and that the tag being removed would clear this black goo and allow the restoration of this template (crystal seed template) to flourish. 

The unmet needs must have begun around the enslavement of this incredible power in the Sophianic Bloodlines. I know because of the many timelines of war between Draco/reps trying to use the womb of the feminine as a literal battery to uphold their agenda. 

There can be an incredible miasma of anger within the female emotional body around being ignored, and not having her needs met, creating a toxic emotional poison of unprocessed rage that can cause hormonal issues. It can also cause extreme sensitivity to feeling like her needs are not being taken into consideration. This affects her ability to speak her needs, wants and vulnerability because anger feels much more protective in case you show vulnerable need and are hurt again in the same way. With being able to speak our needs we can also not need another to say yes, we can build internal strength and connection with Source to not take someone unwilling to meet our needs personally. 

In processing this miasma of anger and unmet need that came from being used by the fallen masculine and many women connected to me having the same trauma, I was able to restore my Amrita Template and continue the resurrection of Shakti through my Lightbody today and the anger transformed into deep compassion and a willingness to reclaim what it means to hold the Female God Code without shame or fear. 

This is a process but the reason it linked in with my daughter was because I can feel her holding so much of this incredible Female Christ Code in her cells. I could also see deep anger and rage around needs that comes up for her. I was feeling that clearing this miasma within myself will help me lead her by example to own her essence fully and the power to communicate her needs in her feminine energy through her own magnetism and trust. I was feeling that I did not want her to have a lifetime of struggle around vulnerable communication and I hope I’m able to give her this updated energy through example. Like a transference of energy as I don’t want her inner Shakti to be suppressed or used and abused through inherited trauma. 

I feel the roots of this breeding program trauma clearing in me and I was shown to clear other implants, parasites and black cords trying to block the Amrita Nectar Frequency and Crystal Seed from being able to fully come online. 

I’m excited to see the results of this clearing. I know that allowing the masculine to bring this fluid through with penetration can be hard to allow if we are deeply angry at the fallen masculine for trying to steal this for so long through getting into our wombs against our will. I’m so glad I was able to see and process this today for all women connected to me. 

I felt this could help all of us right now. 

PS: If this post resonated with you I invite you to join the conversation and leave a comment below.


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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.


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Let's Chat!

Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.

Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.

If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.


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