7D Future Timeline
New Earth Update from Arcturus
In This Update
7D future timeline new earth update from Arcturus
The death of Canaanite bloodlines on earth
Satanic sect of elite doing as much damage as possible and pushing metaverse as they cling to a crumbling timeline

It’s incredible what God is doing for us right now
I’m in amazement at the level of intervention and support from the multiverse coming through for us now.
Recently, I spoke to my Arcturian Council Team who showed me that they’re working in the somewhat near future where earth’s 7-Dimensional Timeline exists. They’re sending the future 7th Dimensional Ascended Earth Records to us now so that we may accelerate a massive push towards the destruction of the black Sun draco timeline that is currently running omicron death seals and being more imaginative than ever with their tyranny and constant dark attack towards awakening Angelics and Starseeds to try and block us from receiving and anchoring 7D timeline updates.
7D Starseed support is on fire right now as wormholes and stargate travel has fully reopened from this area of our universe.
The 7D dracos coming in from Orion were causing many issues with Arcturus reaching us fully and damaging their wormholes and stargates from closer contact. Many of the Arcturian channelers previous to the last year and a half have brought in reptilian infiltration into their ascension updates and information data streams as this was a hotbed of false alien, phantom matrix hijacking, false Arcturus groups working to intercept our communication and bring in a lot of BS from the astral realm.
Arcturians can communicate from their own spaceships or through direct packets of light and would never ask to link into our bodies for any reason. I can’t stress that and the danger of allowing a being to walk into your body and how that can affect your DNA and physical body enough.
Anyways! They’re on fire with the information and support as they can reach us so closely and lovingly be present with us in every way we’re needing now. I’m currently anchoring templates and helping to heal the Akashic Timelines and Records connecting to extraterrestrial communication and how it’s done safely and effectively.
The Arcturians are helping to fight this draco timeline battle and giving Rainbow/Solar Light healing support through the pineal gland so lots of vision is coming online as well as extrasensory abilities around hearing and seeing especially through 5-7D. They desire to help us deeply, they desire us to know they’re here and that they can help with DNA/Lightbody Healing anywhere we’re feeling dark attack or soul fragmentation. They tap on the head and kind of brush their hands like water around you – that’s how they clue you in that they’re present. They will never try to go around your free will though so you need to directly ask.
7D healing is so essential right now as we reach outside of our current dimension and bring in the highest potentials possible for our earth. It’s as if we’re moving beyond 5D consciousness in some ways and opening to infinite potentials around the timing and inevitably of the Christ Return and ultimate end of the bloodlust of black sun forces that are in the process of showing their true colors through the media and in certain areas of our world (Australia) where they don’t want to lose their main HUBS and deep underground bases. They have been siphoning from Uluru and guarding/ fighting with the Aqua Mother Races to sustain this whole area, luckily, their control over this area is very diminished as they continue to lose and have to jump ship to sustain whatever they possibly can until the fall.
The other extremely interesting update I received is about the Canaanite Bloodlines.
There are actual people on our planet that are essentially mind-controlled puppets. They’re the ones who have been genetically engineered through DNA and bloodline infiltration to be complete MK Ultra, defenders of the elite with genetic manipulation so profound that the idea of facing the truth feels unbearable to them, so they will fight and defend this sickness for as long as possible.
These are actual people that are like non-player characters, they have a soul but it’s not like us. They have been created and bred from a bloodline (moloch) (Cain) at the origin point of a deep corruption that split them off from any higher sensory potential to the point of being so genetically impaired and thus almost incapable of awakening – which is why they even have some of them see what’s happening and yet they refuse beyond all physical evidence to believe it.
Right now, these bloodlines have the chance to change this and rehabilitate back to God.
All beings and souls have that choice, even demons and dracos can go back to God and choose love up until a certain point.
These non-player characters are the only real thing keeping the negative aliens in power, so it’s a massive charade. Anyone who’s not a part of the Canaanite Bloodlines is awakening now, no questions asked. They’re all questioning the narrative. Not one being here that is not a part of the Canaanite Bloodlines will stay unawakened over the next year. Everyone will wake up, no questions asked.
The Canaanite Bloodlines have very little soul, they’re fragments of a human soul that is very widdled down and so their own ascension journey and what they are is to be discovered, as far as I see now, they’re the ones who will be the most harmed by the vackzscene because they cannot withstand what’s in it at all. This is because the more soul energy one has, the more you can withstand and heal from the contents. So in order to reach their quota with the vackzscene they’re sacrificing their own “supporters” that they’ve manufactured. Their plan is that everyone will get the vackzscene and therefore be linked into their beast algorithm and be able to be tracked etc. Again, there is a genocidal agenda but the main agenda is transhumanism and seeing how they can control through A.I and E.T nano parasites. This agenda will fail, is failing and they’re killing mainly their own supporters in the process. Evil parasites and cannibalizes itself inevitably like the snake eating its own tail. It’s futile to reject God, to feed your own sick base desires forever and get to do all the things that are not in God’s plan like child trafficking. All of that is not in God’s plan and never was. When the rebellion against the Divine occurred, the destruction of innocence and Gods Spirit within us was created so that it could be siphoned and keep them alive through parasitism.
With their own supporters being harmed so badly, it’s the awakened ones that are being left in the power position. This was their only option to get us all tagged and they were willing to believe that they could pull it off so that the death of their people would balance out, but they were wrong and more wrong than they ever projected. They’re very emotionally inept beings and that’s why their propaganda is so obvious to people who are emotionally empathic and in tune spiritually. Transhumanism and metaverse are trying to get us all to consent to an AI God and AI existence that disconnects us from the intelligence of the Heart Field in exchange for the virtual reality. They’re pushing it fast because they’re running out of time to exist. If they can get us all to accept virtual reality and AI as our God they will be able to continue a synthetic timeline where we feed the beast with our consent but they had no idea that we would get as far as we are in fighting back and all I feel when I tune in to them is panic and desperation.
Now, with the victory and 7-Dimensional Ascension Timelines anchoring, our communication with the Families of Light is about to go through the roof to where we can be fully instructed and given the blueprints for how to actually remove ourselves from the matrix and build the New Earth.
This will come with a lot of incredible processes.
We are now prepping for the 12/21 Solstice Portal that will move us into the 3rd Christ Return. This will create and manifest beyond our dreams into March of 2022 strongly.
I hope this helps
Love You All!

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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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