Who GOD Really Is
When I think of God, I think of rock n roll in the 60s. God sent so many Shamanic rock gods to the planet to introduce this soul-changing magic at that time.
I’ve been shown that all good things come from God. Nothing good can exist in the absence of God. That even means rock n roll and rap come from the mind of God for example.
The more you get to thinking of these things, the more you realize just how down-to-earth God really is.
You may say, “Oh some of those things are man-made”, no actually all inspiration to create came from the spark which is the Holy Spirit which is God.
Yes, things can be taken and perverted and twisted but that kind of thing always has a negative impact.
God can create the genre of rap or rock and dark ETs can try and turn it into something else but that thing still belongs to God and the creative mind of our connection to God and likeness in the image of God.
So if you were to separate from God ultimately you would lose music. You would lose laughter. You would lose dancing. You would lose that spark of life that flows through everything.
Since everything good emanates from the mind of God, you realize that it is the most essential relationship to work on.
God is not angry at you.
God is not ashamed of you.
God does not expect you to be holy or perfect.
God values authenticity over fake kindness.
God values an honest person over a holier than thou hypocrite.
God made you with your unique sense of humor and all your specific traits so that you would stand out and create new things instead of conforming.
God is more like the best friend you can talk with over drinks and spill your heart out to than an angry parent.
God wants to hear your anger, your pain and your true opinion so that he can work with you as you are and create an honest connection.
God wants to know what you really feel over what you think will please him – You can tell God anything and he won’t judge you, nothing can surprise or shock God.
God wants to be close to you 24/7 and involved in every aspect of your life.
God is unending love and truth that permeates everything.
God isn’t just letting evil things happen, God is constantly moving and intervening to stop evil and end evil for good.
God is constantly moving to change the hearts of people so that they won’t hurt others.
When we reject God it hurts him, when we take credit for what God has done it hurts him because it takes the opportunity away from others to find him again.
God allows consequences for breaking natural law because he wants us to seek him/her again.
God allows us to hurt because it wakes us up to the truth, not because he’s indifferent. God is the opposite of indifferent, in fact, he/she cares beyond your comprehension.
God doesn’t want us to exploit each other for any reason.
God respects your free will completely and won’t try to control you.
God follows a divine plan for each person’s life and respects that plan.
God wants us to feel all of our emotions and not suppress them so that we can make space to truly love others and not have to fake it because we are resentful and dishonest.
Anger is a useful emotion when understood. God gave you a full spectrum emotional body to feel it not to suppress it.
God understands addiction and wants more for us than that but knows that this earth is very painful.
God wants us to take personal responsibility and accountability for ourselves so that we don’t fall prey to schemes of darkness that want us in victim mentality.
God is present and sees everything, there is no need to hide.
God wants you to prosper.
God doesn’t want you to be chronically sick and is always trying to heal us if we let him. God knows that sickness and suffering can help us learn but values our health so that we can take more action for his message on this earth.
God is constantly doing miracles and stopping suffering.
God has a good reason for everything he allows even if we cannot understand it.
God is eternal life. Death only exists without God – I don’t mean leaving this body. I mean soul death that happens when we reject God.
God doesn’t like the actions of evil but loves the person he created.
God doesn’t send anyone to hell ever, God only allows people to go there of their own choice.
Hell is godlessness that exists in an outer darkness separate from the multiverse.
God made you a powerful creator and capable of miraculous things.
You carry God’s DNA.
You can be honest to the point of telling God you don’t even know if you believe in him but are at least open and willing to start from there and not be judged or rejected.
Nothing you’ve done can make God turn away from you and reject you if you are genuinely remorseful and desire to change.
I hope this helps. I could go on for a long time but wanted to share what I’ve learned about God and unlearned about God from my religious trauma.
Love You All!
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Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
Let's Chat!
Hey love! I’m Emily, Oracle of Sophia, Multidimensional Visual/Clairvoyant, Healer and Field Worker and I’m so happy you’ve found this post.
Through works such as this, I am able to fulfill my mission to support the resurrection of the true Feminine Christ (aka the many Sophia Grail Lines) on the planet to activate, embody and express the full spectrum of their Multidimensional Miracle Potential.
If you’re reading this, I have no doubt that you are one of the 144,000 Angels coded to serve the Christ Sophia Logos and build God’s Kingdom on this earth and I can’t wait to work with you and get to know you more.
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