As I’m sure many of you have been feeling, ever since the Aurora Light Solar Flares in May we have been going through rapid acceleration on the ascension timeline. And while this kind of powerful light integration is massively uplifting in many ways, it also comes with deep purging and much-needed shadow-body confrontations.
We are being called to deeply reevaluate our relationships to ourselves, each other and God at this time so that we can create space for who we truly are to begin descending into physical form.
Many of you who have been following us over the years have taken on very challenging incarnation pathways in order to transmute the collective pain body. You are some of the strongest and bravest souls on the planet because you were willing to venture deep into the collective shadow so that you could generate the remedy to the wound from within and then transmit that medicine to others. We are the system busters, the ones courageous enough to walk into the den of vipers so that we could face some of the most painful truths in this realm.
This is the Indigo Template and the agreements we made with God to do this work are called Indigo 3 Contracts. These are extremely challenging scenarios we signed up to go through in order to facilitate this process, and while going through these initiations themselves can be harrowing, the most difficult part of the Indigo 3 Contracts are getting out of the patterns they engrain within us just from going through them.
That’s why we’re so excited for this webinar, we’re getting very strong guidance that the source realms are calling in many of these contracts (ours included), which means massive support in the fields is present to unwind the deep wounds created by them.
During the webinar, we’re going to discuss the new prophetic translations coming in with these accelerated light emissions and support each of you in understanding and completing these contracts once and for all.
Through Christ, we are being called to return to the innocence of our true being. Through unyielding mercy and forgiveness we are being guided to release layers of pain body accumulations and long held unhealthy points of attraction in order to harmonize with the incredible love and transcendence these new codes are bringing to the earth.
Grid & Field Work
Collectively, we have been diligently working through rehabilitating immense reversal within the human at all layers of the Lightbody and correct fallen Tree of Life Architecture. In the fields, it feels like we are ready to drop Indigo Contracts right now that have kept us stuck in repeating scenarios that have been traumatizing and draining.
Indigo Contracts and Templates require polarity integration, and immense spiritual strength and are processed in cycles of 2, 5, 7 and 10 years. The Indigo Contract usually equals very intense, difficult life experiences in order to regenerate Source Code back into the Lightbody, Bloodline and Earth Grids that we are assigned to through lived experience. These difficult circumstances are important so that we can live an experience out to fully gain gnosis and solution, expel the poison and create pathways beyond for ourselves and others.
Indigo Templating and Contracting can be a myriad of painful experiences, including False Twin Flame (aka the Reptilian Interfacing), abuse, trauma drama scenarios, betrayal experiences that repeat and overall oppression in life where we feel stuck or faced with struggle that may feel unfair compared to others life experiences. When the Higher Self has made the decision to integrate extreme polarities in service to humanity, we will be faced with unpleasant options as experiences that allow us as an angelic being to bring the light of God’s unconditional love and truth and dissolve the heavy karmic load on our planet of unprocessed emotions and broken light grids and offering a path to salvation through representing the love of Christ and learning forgiveness, grace and shamanic presence in rough circumstances that may stretch our capacity and human beyond resentment and condemnation and be a lifeline to lost or fragmented souls in the spirit realm.
This does not mean we just endure toxicity or take on others’ problems as a martyr but many who hold these contracts can get stuck in fields of martyrdom and have a hard time comprehending the assignment which can result in deep, corrosive wounds around shame or thinking something is wrong with them which is why life is so hard or why they have so many difficult processes.
Those of us who took on Indigo Templating are highly gifted, willing to look at the evil in this world and usually are the ones who resonate more with the harder spiritual assignments that those with primarily Crystal Templating will find harder to digest or any interest in comprehending. The Crystal Template isn’t on the same assignment, so their life paths can seem easier to those of us who go to these realms. It’s not about comparison but it’s easy to get stuck in this and martyrdom, shame or self-loathing when we don’t understand what we are contending with in terms of targeting and malevolence via our own Soul’s Blueprint.
In this webinar we will go in-depth around clearing through the karmic load, sealing, letting go of martyrdom and quickly dissolving and transmuting any stuck energy or pain body metastasis that has not been met with light, compassion and the love of Christ-Sophia.
We will look and focus on the life of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, understanding the Indigo Contract and martyrdom. The different kinds of each and the solution to quick, profound healing and recovery so that life can become more fluid, inflow and abundant through shifting out and fully understanding what our specific one is and what to do about it. We have been shown that these contracts are ready to drop but have been held onto or not fully processed due to core shame. We will focus on clearing toxic shame and pain body residue and go through some deep multidimensional layers of our Mission and Contracting that are ready to be let go or understand the rest of the assignment so that we can have a clear path to completion.
Grid and Field Work will take place in the Library of Alexandria (Egypt) and the Halls of Amenti
Topics of Field Work Healing Will Include:
- Astral Clearing
- Polarity Integration
- Corrosive Shame that locks in outdated external experiences that can be forgiven, healed and understood
- God Wound
- Responsibility for what we’ve chosen
- Path Cutting to fast solutions and revelations
- Saint Catherine
- Living for Christ in this life instead of dying for Christ Past Lives
- Dropping Indigo Templates and or Sealing them
- New Timeline of profound freedom and new assignments that are life-giving
- Letting go of betrayal, abuse and trauma drama cycles of crucifixion
THE RISE OF A NEW HARMONICOnce you complete your purchase DO NOT close the browser window as you’ll be directed to the Facebook Group to access the Replay automatically
Indigo Contracts
~ / ~
As I’m sure many of you have been feeling, ever since the Aurora Light Solar Flares in May we have been going through rapid acceleration on the ascension timeline. And while this kind of powerful light integration is massively uplifting in many ways, it also comes with deep purging and much-needed shadow-body confrontations.
We are being called to deeply reevaluate our relationships to ourselves, each other and God at this time so that we can create space for who we truly are to begin descending into physical form.
Many of you who have been following us over the years have taken on very challenging incarnation pathways in order to transmute the collective pain body. You are some of the strongest and bravest souls on the planet because you were willing to venture deep into the collective shadow so that you could generate the remedy to the wound from within and then transmit that medicine to others. We are the system busters, the ones courageous enough to walk into the den of vipers so that we could face some of the most painful truths in this realm.
This is the Indigo Template and the agreements we made with God to do this work are called Indigo 3 Contracts. These are extremely challenging scenarios we signed up to go through in order to facilitate this process, and while going through these initiations themselves can be harrowing, the most difficult part of the Indigo 3 Contracts are getting out of the patterns they engrain within us just from going through them.
That’s why we’re so excited for this webinar, we’re getting very strong guidance that the source realms are calling in many of these contracts (ours included), which means massive support in the fields is present to unwind the deep wounds created by them.
During the webinar, we’re going to discuss the new prophetic translations coming in with these accelerated light emissions and support each of you in understanding and completing these contracts once and for all.
Through Christ, we are being called to return to the innocence of our true being. Through unyielding mercy and forgiveness we are being guided to release layers of pain body accumulations and long held unhealthy points of attraction in order to harmonize with the incredible love and transcendence these new codes are bringing to the earth.
Grid & Field Work
Collectively, we have been diligently working through rehabilitating immense reversal within the human at all layers of the Lightbody and correct fallen Tree of Life Architecture. In the fields, it feels like we are ready to drop Indigo Contracts right now that have kept us stuck in repeating scenarios that have been traumatizing and draining.
Indigo Contracts and Templates require polarity integration, and immense spiritual strength and are processed in cycles of 2, 5, 7 and 10 years. The Indigo Contract usually equals very intense, difficult life experiences in order to regenerate Source Code back into the Lightbody, Bloodline and Earth Grids that we are assigned to through lived experience. These difficult circumstances are important so that we can live an experience out to fully gain gnosis and solution, expel the poison and create pathways beyond for ourselves and others.
Indigo Templating and Contracting can be a myriad of painful experiences, including False Twin Flame (aka the Reptilian Interfacing), abuse, trauma drama scenarios, betrayal experiences that repeat and overall oppression in life where we feel stuck or faced with struggle that may feel unfair compared to others life experiences. When the Higher Self has made the decision to integrate extreme polarities in service to humanity, we will be faced with unpleasant options as experiences that allow us as an angelic being to bring the light of God’s unconditional love and truth and dissolve the heavy karmic load on our planet of unprocessed emotions and broken light grids and offering a path to salvation through representing the love of Christ and learning forgiveness, grace and shamanic presence in rough circumstances that may stretch our capacity and human beyond resentment and condemnation and be a lifeline to lost or fragmented souls in the spirit realm.
This does not mean we just endure toxicity or take on others’ problems as a martyr but many who hold these contracts can get stuck in fields of martyrdom and have a hard time comprehending the assignment which can result in deep, corrosive wounds around shame or thinking something is wrong with them which is why life is so hard or why they have so many difficult processes.
Those of us who took on Indigo Templating are highly gifted, willing to look at the evil in this world and usually are the ones who resonate more with the harder spiritual assignments that those with primarily Crystal Templating will find harder to digest or any interest in comprehending. The Crystal Template isn’t on the same assignment, so their life paths can seem easier to those of us who go to these realms. It’s not about comparison but it’s easy to get stuck in this and martyrdom, shame or self-loathing when we don’t understand what we are contending with in terms of targeting and malevolence via our own Soul’s Blueprint.
In this webinar we will go in-depth around clearing through the karmic load, sealing, letting go of martyrdom and quickly dissolving and transmuting any stuck energy or pain body metastasis that has not been met with light, compassion and the love of Christ-Sophia.
We will look and focus on the life of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, understanding the Indigo Contract and martyrdom. The different kinds of each and the solution to quick, profound healing and recovery so that life can become more fluid, inflow and abundant through shifting out and fully understanding what our specific one is and what to do about it. We have been shown that these contracts are ready to drop but have been held onto or not fully processed due to core shame. We will focus on clearing toxic shame and pain body residue and go through some deep multidimensional layers of our Mission and Contracting that are ready to be let go or understand the rest of the assignment so that we can have a clear path to completion.
Grid and Field Work will take place in the Library of Alexandria (Egypt) and the Halls of Amenti
Topics of Field Work Healing Will Include:
- Astral Clearing
- Polarity Integration
- Corrosive Shame that locks in outdated external experiences that can be forgiven, healed and understood
- God Wound
- Responsibility for what we’ve chosen
- Path Cutting to fast solutions and revelations
- Saint Catherine
- Living for Christ in this life instead of dying for Christ Past Lives
- Dropping Indigo Templates and or Sealing them
- New Timeline of profound freedom and new assignments that are life-giving
- Letting go of betrayal, abuse and trauma drama cycles of crucifixion
THE RISE OF A NEW HARMONICOnce you complete your purchase DO NOT close the browser window as you’ll be directed to the Facebook Group to access the Replay automatically
Indigo Contracts
~ / ~
As I’m sure many of you have been feeling, ever since the Aurora Light Solar Flares in May we have been going through rapid acceleration on the ascension timeline. And while this kind of powerful light integration is massively uplifting in many ways, it also comes with deep purging and much-needed shadow-body confrontations.
We are being called to deeply reevaluate our relationships to ourselves, each other and God at this time so that we can create space for who we truly are to begin descending into physical form.
Many of you who have been following us over the years have taken on very challenging incarnation pathways in order to transmute the collective pain body. You are some of the strongest and bravest souls on the planet because you were willing to venture deep into the collective shadow so that you could generate the remedy to the wound from within and then transmit that medicine to others. We are the system busters, the ones courageous enough to walk into the den of vipers so that we could face some of the most painful truths in this realm.
This is the Indigo Template and the agreements we made with God to do this work are called Indigo 3 Contracts. These are extremely challenging scenarios we signed up to go through in order to facilitate this process, and while going through these initiations themselves can be harrowing, the most difficult part of the Indigo 3 Contracts are getting out of the patterns they engrain within us just from going through them.
That’s why we’re so excited for this webinar, we’re getting very strong guidance that the source realms are calling in many of these contracts (ours included), which means massive support in the fields is present to unwind the deep wounds created by them.
During the webinar, we’re going to discuss the new prophetic translations coming in with these accelerated light emissions and support each of you in understanding and completing these contracts once and for all.
Through Christ, we are being called to return to the innocence of our true being. Through unyielding mercy and forgiveness we are being guided to release layers of pain body accumulations and long held unhealthy points of attraction in order to harmonize with the incredible love and transcendence these new codes are bringing to the earth.
Grid & Field Work
Collectively, we have been diligently working through rehabilitating immense reversal within the human at all layers of the Lightbody and correct fallen Tree of Life Architecture. In the fields, it feels like we are ready to drop Indigo Contracts right now that have kept us stuck in repeating scenarios that have been traumatizing and draining.
Indigo Contracts and Templates require polarity integration, and immense spiritual strength and are processed in cycles of 2, 5, 7 and 10 years. The Indigo Contract usually equals very intense, difficult life experiences in order to regenerate Source Code back into the Lightbody, Bloodline and Earth Grids that we are assigned to through lived experience. These difficult circumstances are important so that we can live an experience out to fully gain gnosis and solution, expel the poison and create pathways beyond for ourselves and others.
Indigo Templating and Contracting can be a myriad of painful experiences, including False Twin Flame (aka the Reptilian Interfacing), abuse, trauma drama scenarios, betrayal experiences that repeat and overall oppression in life where we feel stuck or faced with struggle that may feel unfair compared to others life experiences. When the Higher Self has made the decision to integrate extreme polarities in service to humanity, we will be faced with unpleasant options as experiences that allow us as an angelic being to bring the light of God’s unconditional love and truth and dissolve the heavy karmic load on our planet of unprocessed emotions and broken light grids and offering a path to salvation through representing the love of Christ and learning forgiveness, grace and shamanic presence in rough circumstances that may stretch our capacity and human beyond resentment and condemnation and be a lifeline to lost or fragmented souls in the spirit realm.
This does not mean we just endure toxicity or take on others’ problems as a martyr but many who hold these contracts can get stuck in fields of martyrdom and have a hard time comprehending the assignment which can result in deep, corrosive wounds around shame or thinking something is wrong with them which is why life is so hard or why they have so many difficult processes.
Those of us who took on Indigo Templating are highly gifted, willing to look at the evil in this world and usually are the ones who resonate more with the harder spiritual assignments that those with primarily Crystal Templating will find harder to digest or any interest in comprehending. The Crystal Template isn’t on the same assignment, so their life paths can seem easier to those of us who go to these realms. It’s not about comparison but it’s easy to get stuck in this and martyrdom, shame or self-loathing when we don’t understand what we are contending with in terms of targeting and malevolence via our own Soul’s Blueprint.
In this webinar we will go in-depth around clearing through the karmic load, sealing, letting go of martyrdom and quickly dissolving and transmuting any stuck energy or pain body metastasis that has not been met with light, compassion and the love of Christ-Sophia.
We will look and focus on the life of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, understanding the Indigo Contract and martyrdom. The different kinds of each and the solution to quick, profound healing and recovery so that life can become more fluid, inflow and abundant through shifting out and fully understanding what our specific one is and what to do about it. We have been shown that these contracts are ready to drop but have been held onto or not fully processed due to core shame. We will focus on clearing toxic shame and pain body residue and go through some deep multidimensional layers of our Mission and Contracting that are ready to be let go or understand the rest of the assignment so that we can have a clear path to completion.
Grid and Field Work will take place in the Library of Alexandria (Egypt) and the Halls of Amenti
Topics of Field Work Healing Will Include:
- Astral Clearing
- Polarity Integration
- Corrosive Shame that locks in outdated external experiences that can be forgiven, healed and understood
- God Wound
- Responsibility for what we’ve chosen
- Path Cutting to fast solutions and revelations
- Saint Catherine
- Living for Christ in this life instead of dying for Christ Past Lives
- Dropping Indigo Templates and or Sealing them
- New Timeline of profound freedom and new assignments that are life-giving
- Letting go of betrayal, abuse and trauma drama cycles of crucifixion
THE RISE OF A NEW HARMONICOnce you complete your purchase DO NOT close the browser window as you’ll be directed to the Facebook Group to access the Replay automatically
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