One of the most profound initiations for a female is the eviction of reptilian consciousness from her Womb/Heart Soul Matrix and for males, his Sacral/Heart
It is the Essence of taking back her or his Organic Solar Feminine/Masculine Power and surrendering to the Christ. It is an unmistakably Holy experience because it allows us to truly know ourselves.
Phallic implants can be the result of sexual miasma and timelines of sexual harvesting from the Collective and Individual Womb of the Feminine Christ Bloodlines – We all share some form of this.
These kinds of strong holds on our Energy Body can tie us into looping dark attack through the reptilian ownership that is connected to these implants but are nothing that cannot be overcome with Devotion to the process of receiving the True Cosmic Christ.
The Grid Work portion of the webinar will go through the Moon/Saturn Matrix and we will clear through any lunar inversions as well Sophianic Energy current inversions.
This will bring our Energetic Solar Current back through our Cervix/Heart/Crown and clear all static to our spiritual communication with these areas of our Lightbody
This is an advanced clearing that will be held with a group of Solar Blue Rose Magdalene Priestesses who are specifically assigned to this particular Timeline and Collective History/Wound and will be done.
The Grid Work portion of the webinar will go through the Moon/Saturn Matrix and we will clear through any lunar inversions as well Sophianic Energy current inversions.
This will bring our Energetic Solar Current back through our Cervix/Heart/Crown and clear all static to our spiritual communication with these areas of our Lightbody
This is an advanced clearing that will be held with a group of Solar Blue Rose Magdalene Priestesses who are specifically assigned to this particular Timeline and Collective History/Wound and will be done.
We will also work through Annunaki breeding programs and recall our own body parts, elementals, genetics, wings, jewels and Soul Aspects from these Timelines.
I feel this is a major final push in these Timelines around the Sophianic Bloodlines and a recall of Soul Energy that will generate a lot of new, freed-up space in all areas of our life.
I also feel it is a huge Reclamation as the Guardians have recently discovered an aspect of Sophia that is still being held in this space and they are working to help retrieve her from under the Vatican.
This will be done with the utmost care and reverence for the Holy Spirit and will involve Magdalenes that hold the knowledge of the Blue Rose Template as well as the Blue Ray Faerie Lineages connecting to Joan of Arc.
If this feels connected to your soul, I’d love to have you join us for this incredible work
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