Joan of Arc is a Grail Queen and Solar Feminine Origin of the Blue Rose, Blue Faerie and Blue Dragon Sophianic Bloodlines
It’s truly special how she transmitted her life and life experiences to me through vision and emotion and I’m very excited to share a lot of her true history and do some life-changing Activation and Grid Work via the Faroe Islands of Scotland where many Blue Faerie beings live in the water and among the Elemental first and second dimensions. These beings absolutely love Joan of Arc and fully lift her true Life, Soul Purpose and Mission up with her reverence and devotion for Christ.
Joan of Arc was a visual that had Multi-Dimensional Spiritual Vision that allowed her to commune with Christ and get direct Prophecies as well as Blueprints for other work she was doing with the Blue Ray Melchizedek Groups.
From what I was shown, she set down multiple Blue Dragon Grids with Blue Rose Architecture that emanates the essence of the Cathar or Magdalene Aqua Sophia Light.
This Blue Dragon/Blue Rose Grid is being overseen by the Fae Lineages at this time.
There are two locations, one in France and the other I’m shown to focus on is on the Faroe Islands in a distinct location.
Joan of Arc was a visual that had Multi-Dimensional Spiritual Vision that allowed her to commune with Christ and get direct Prophecies as well as Blueprints for other work she was doing with the Blue Ray Melchizedek Groups.
From what I was shown, she set down multiple Blue Dragon Grids with Blue Rose Architecture that emanates the essence of the Cathar or Magdalene Aqua Sophia Light.
This Blue Dragon/Blue Rose Grid is being overseen by the Fae Lineages at this time.
There are two locations, one in France and the other I’m shown to focus on is on the Faroe Islands in a distinct location.
Her work with the Melchizedeks is important because it shows that she was indeed highly spiritually aware and much more than “religious”. Her knowledge of the Blue Rose means she was initiated by the Melchizedeks in order to hold the Triple Codex of the Blue Fae, Dragon and Rose and to specifically help other prophetic/visuals into their rightful leadership and alignment to begin receiving this knowledge.

Core wounds Joan of Arc and her Bloodlines hold and can help heal from ancient times are:
- Feeling betrayed by God
- Feeling burnt out, disillusioned and ungrounded
- Feeling hopeless or faithless
- Feeling lost on Mission and Spiritual Purpose
- Needing to remember who you are and that you are called by Christ
- Needing to reopen psychic and spiritual senses organically and letting go of walls
- Having a deep knowing of what you’re meant to do but not knowing how to act on it
- Feeling extremely targeted and drained by how hard life feels
- Feeling bullied or tormented by jealous spirits in others
- Not feeling strong enough to stand up for your truth
They can also help activate:
- Deeply supportive of Inner Leadership, profound courage and saying yes to Gods’ voice within
- Understanding how to fully connect with the Fae and speak with them
- Blue Rose knowledge and templates returning
- Blue Dragon Energy healing: Grids and Ancestors associated with this grid
Core wounds Joan of Arc and her Bloodlines hold and can help heal from ancient times are:
- Feeling betrayed by God
- Feeling burnt out, disillusioned and ungrounded
- Feeling hopeless or faithless
- Feeling lost on Mission and Spiritual Purpose
- Needing to remember who you are and that you are called by Christ
- Needing to reopen psychic and spiritual senses organically and letting go of walls
- Having a deep knowing of what you’re meant to do but not knowing how to act on it
- Feeling extremely targeted and drained by how hard life feels
- Feeling bullied or tormented by jealous spirits in others
- Not feeling strong enough to stand up for your truth
They can also help activate:
- Deeply supportive of Inner Leadership, profound courage and saying yes to Gods’ voice within
- Understanding how to fully connect with the Fae and speak with them
- Blue Rose knowledge and templates returning
- Blue Dragon Energy healing: Grids and Ancestors associated with this grid
Our Grid Work will (energetically) take place in Scotland: The Faroe Islands
We will work with Joan of Arc, the Blue Fae, the Blue Dragon Grids and Blue Rose Templating as well as releasing stagnant miasmatic overlays in the Joan of Arc Sophia Grail Lines – this will result in implant, black magic, miasma and black goo clearing.
I do feel we will also receive deep activation around our full scope of embodied truth in relation to the Feminine Christ Bloodlines
There will also be a full rundown of Jon of Arc’s true history of what she went through, including special stories and transmissions not in history books.
Our Grid Work will (energetically) take place in Scotland: The Faroe Islands
We will work with Joan of Arc, the Blue Fae, the Blue Dragon Grids and Blue Rose Templating as well as releasing stagnant miasmatic overlays in the Joan of Arc Sophia Grail Lines – this will result in implant, black magic, miasma and black goo clearing.
I do feel we will also receive deep activation around our full scope of embodied truth in relation to the Feminine Christ Bloodlines
There will also be a full rundown of Jon of Arc’s true history of what she went through, including special stories and transmissions not in history books.
If you feel connected to her or any of these beings, this will deeply impact you and I’d love for you to join us
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