Egyptian Sphinx Lyra Elohim Priestess
Activation and Clearing
The Sphinx is interlinked with Feminine Starseed Grail Queen Consciousness in Andromeda and Sirius, as well as the Angelic Realm of the Elohim

This process will deal with Egyptian Timeline clearing and flushing of curses, old timelines, entombment and buried energies to unlock Lyran Templates and Angelic Power through the Sphinx and deeply support our Inner Female Christ Energy rising through our Lightbody.
The clearing will also extend to include Anubis, black magic, entombment of our Inner Sophianic Priestess, metatronic reversal and the Return of the Solar Christ Michael energies in our Inner Masculine which directly connects with the Elohim Angels. It will also allow the processing of stuck energy in the Heart and/or curses on our Bloodlines that have been holding us back or holding us hostage in looping timelines.
This clearing is primarily for curse breaking, Angelic Starseed Soul Aspect Healing and retrieving gifts out of phantom fields and Egyptian Timelines.
We will feel the Sophia Energy returning to the Sphinx, aspects of the Blue Ray Elohim Female Angelic Soul and Lyran Priestess Returns through the Crown and Heart, reconnection to the Christ Guardians and work with Rainbow Lyran Heart Networks and the White Lion Heart Grid.

This clearing is primarily for curse breaking, Angelic Starseed Soul Aspect Healing and retrieving gifts out of phantom fields and Egyptian Timelines.
We will feel the Sophia Energy returning to the Sphinx, aspects of the Blue Ray Elohim Female Angelic Soul and Lyran Priestess Returns through the Crown and Heart, reconnection to the Christ Guardians and work with Rainbow Lyran Heart Networks and the White Lion Heart Grid.
Please note that working with Egyptian Timeline clearing is intense and profoundly rewarding once the purge is through (everyone is different, however, the purging process should take place for 24-48 hours), therefore, this clearing and transmission will require strength and compassionate witnessing.
If this feels connected to your soul, I’d love to have you join us for this incredible work
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